Chapter 57 : My Metanoia

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Guys, before you start reading this chapter, understand this is written after a leap of two months in a past as well as present format.

Two months had passed by since that moment. Nothing was like it used to be before. Harshad's words did come true. These two months were full of high and disturbing tides for Nandini.
Read ahead to know in what situation these tides left Nandini in.

~ The extract is in Nandini's point of view~

A dusky orange hue of dusk spreads on sky, these calm waves of this never ending sea are splashing against my feet. The cold water seeps under my feet and take with it gravels of sand. In the next flow the waves come with a flower and leave it on the beach, taking with them another part of sand. How similar this phenomenon is to my life! I was just like this sand, standing still, holding a part of my life in my heart and refusing to go ahead. Just like this wave, he came into my life. He stood at the threshold like a bright blinding light of optimism, calling me in his embrace. Then as these waves leave, he left too, leaving behind a lacuna in me.

Was it my fault? This question still remains in my mind. It was. I get the answer from my conscious. I should have told him earlier. Arya kept telling to reveal everything to Manik but I didn't. This wouldn't have happened if you would have heard me out that day but... I know I should have tried telling you afterwards which I didn't. Maybe it was me who thought he will understand my plight, but he... He just vanished. I understand he loved her so much, but was it really my fault? Was it just my fault? I was also forced to do it. I didn't do it out of will. Alas! How I wish he understands!

You know Manik, wherever you go, I am gonna find you and bring you back to me. It has been a week since your concert, since I told you everything about my past. I am not going to let you move out of my life so easily. I love you for God sake.

Remember Manik, this is the same place where we were sitting, just a month back. How beautiful my...our life was. I won't say mine because I know if I am in pain you are not sitting happily out there.You let me absquatulate Manik. I promise Manik I'll change everything for you, but come back. Come back Manik. Please come back to me.

"Manikkkkkk", Nandini screams." I promise I will change. Just come back to me. I need you Manik. I need you. I love you".

Look at my condition Manik. This brain of mine is forcing those ephemeral aislings onto me, just to give me pain. Is it correct Manik? Tell na Manik. Please. Tell me.

Nandini buried her face in her knees, stifling back her sobs. She has endured more pain than this but losing your beloved for the second time, this pain can't be felt again. It will break you to an extent where none can repair you. Last time, maybe it wasn't Nandini's fault but this time it was.

She looked up to the horizon, the morning star was shining brightly, emulating hope, because where there is dalisay love there is an esperance.
She calmed herself and lied down on the beach itself. It was the place where she was spending most of her time. These days she would spend her time in looking for Manik or sitting at the beach. Miraya, Mesh, Sheesh, all what she made with years of hardwork did not matter at all. Her mind remembered nothing but Manik and his memories. She replayed all what the moments spend with him in the last few months. She was taken back to the day when she and Manik were on this same beach but the situation was entirely different


"Nandini, you know, when this light reflects from your face, your eyes and your face looks infinity times more beautiful", Manik said. Nandini lowered her eyelids in blush. Manik chuckled at this and pulled Nandini closer to himself, resting his chin on her shoulders.

ANAM CARA || A MaNan Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें