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Someone had gotten thrown into the mini house you claimed as your own. Even though it was just a room in the shape of a box.

The figure in all black slammed the door. You sit up from the cold, dark floor and crawled over to what seemed to be a boy.

You put your hand on his wrist and felt for a pulse. A smile crept on your face as you felt one. You haven't smiled in years. . .

You felt around his face and he seemed cold. You didn't want his body temperature to drop anymore. You grabbed the thin blanket from the ground and wrapped him with it. You cuddled him tightly.

You won't lie you craved someone's touch for so long. You haven't seen your family in so long, you don't even remember their faces. The more you stared at this boys face he looked the more familiar.

You fell back asleep, easily with comfort.

You wake up to the struggling and yelling of someone. "Who are you?" The male asked sitting up and pulling himself away from you.

You sigh, "I really couldn't tell you, I don't seem to know myself." You haven't spoken in so long, it felt weird.

"Yeah, but why am I here!?" He seemed to get angrier.

"Your one of the Abandoned." You say as you stand up which was the name you called yourself, it seemed no one wanted you.

You feel him harshly grab your neck and push you to the wall. "Who the hell are you, and where am I!?"

You struggle trying to free yourself from him as you gasp for air. As you thought about it, you just wanted him to kill you. There was nothing left for you anymore. You closed your eyes and excepted your fate.

You felt air fill back up your lungs and you fall to the ground coughing. He crosses his arms, "I'm not going to let you die that easily."

"Why not?" You beg. He scoffs, "Huh, you really want to die don't you?" You nod sadly. For so long you thought there was hope, but nope it was just the sad despair of life that kept you stuck for so long.

He puts his hand through his messy hair, "It seems your innocent, I can help you if you help me."

You sigh, "I'm sorry I can't help you, but I've been here for god knows how many years."

You saw the slightest bit of hope come into his eyes, "So you must know what's going on."

You frown and shake your head, "Sadly, no."

He sits down next to you, "I just want to see my friends." He says helplessly as he puts his face in his hands. You pat his back to try and comfort him, "I'm sorry." You say and he looks up at you and you continue, "It's just I haven't really had anyone be thrown in here before, I had always hoped someone would save me, but nope."

He sighs, "Well that sure doesn't bring relief, by the way what's your name?" He asks.

"Oh I'm. . ." You pause having to think for a second, "I'm Y/n." You softly smile to be polite.

"I see you don't introduce yourself very often." He replies and you nod back, "What's your name?" You ask.

"I'm Yoongi."

You instantly hear footsteps by the door of the room your in. You cover Yoongi's mouth and whisper, "Don't say a word." They stop in front of the door and after a minute the footsteps vanish.

You uncover his mouth and he asks, "What was that about?"

"To get out of my punishment, I have pretended to be dead and I bet the person who came thought you were probably dead too."

"What do you mean?" He asked very confused.

"Every morning is torture, I have no idea why though and exactly what this place is."

He raises an eyebrow, "So you have seen what's behind that door?" You nod. "Then we have to try and escape."

You sigh, "It's not that easy, the last person I saw try to escape, it didn't end too well."

"What's behind the door."

"Woods, a dark forest."

"But didn't you say they got you in the mornings? Is it an artificial forest? What happened to the person who tried to escape?" He was throwing you questions left and right and you didn't know how to respond.

You just sit there staring at him dumbfounded. He grabbed your hands and looked deep into your eyes, "Please just help me, I need to see my friends again, no matter what the consequences are."

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