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You gasp so hard that person heard you. You pretend your sleep talking. The person comes over to you and taps your shoulder. "Y/n... wake up my darling." it sounded like a woman so you shouldn't have been as scared. You said "yes? Wait who are you?" She took of the mask she had on and said "I'm your mother." You back away from her and say "no please leave me alone please don't hurt me please neither Aniyah please." She says "oh I won't hurt you both right now. I will when both of you guys are together." She goes out of your window and you go to your sisters room. "Aniyah wake up please." You begged. She woke up and said "why what happened?" You sat on her bed and said "we can't be together..." she sat up and said "w-why not?" You sighed and said "mom found us and she says if we're together she'll hurt us.." Aniyah said "no she didn't find us." You look at her and say, "she was standing by my door I don't know how she got in the house! You were the last one to come home so you probably didn't lock the door!!" She said "relax y/n it was probably a dream go back to sleep." You rolled your eyes and you walked back to your room and slammed your door closed.

You wake up and you find yourself sleeping on the floor. You saw you had only 20 minutes left to go to school so you took a quick shower and you put this on.

 You saw you had only 20 minutes left to go to school so you took a quick shower and you put this on

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You walked to school and you saw a girl came up to you. "Hi" she said you said hi back "I'm new here can you help me find my classes" she said. You said sure so she gave you her schedule and you had all the same classes except 4th period. "You have all the same classes with me except 4th period." You said as you smiled. She smiled and she said "my name is Desiree what about yours?" You said "my names y/n." As you smiled you guys walked to class together and before you both walked in you said "if those 2 girls, Cynthia and Lena bother you just ignore them they do the same thing to every girl at this school." She said "okay they won't be able to come my way anyways." You both giggled and walked in. You stayed with Desiree in all classes so she wouldn't be alone (except 4th) you guys got along together. She was pretty and funny. She had a good personality but her voice seemed like she was mean this is her.

At the end of the school day, she asked "you wanna hang out later?" You said "sure text me what time

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At the end of the school day, she asked "you wanna hang out later?" You said "sure text me what time." You give her your number and you both say bye to each other and go home. When you got home you saw Kairi sitting on your doorstep. You walk up to your door pretending you didn't see him. "Y/n can i please talk to you." He said as he looked up and his eyes were watered. You roll your eyes and said "what the fuck do you want Kairi!" He said "can I please talk to you.." you rolled your eyes and said "whatever come in." You both went inside to your room. "Ok what do you want you have 5 minutes." You said as you crossed your arms. "I'm so sorry what happened the other day I didn't mean it. Cynthia was forcing me to do things and she told me to say that stuff." He explained. "Your a boy Kairi why would you be scared of her!?" You said. "I know but she was threatening me if I wouldn't do what she said she is doing the same with Lena and some other people & I'm afraid she will do it to you." He replied. "I wont listen to that bitch the fuck I'm not scared of her bum ass." You said. He looked at you and said "thats what we all said but she threatens us so bad that makes us do what she says." You looked back at him and you said, "so what did she say to cause you to listen to her?" He sat there silent for a couple of seconds because his eyes watered.

You looked at him and said "Kairi?" He wiped his eyes and said "she's a fucking psychopath she killed like 3 people and she finds a way to lie to show that she didn't. She threatened me by saying she would kill me or my family, she would kill someone that I love so much and as she said that she pulled out a revolver." You say "jeez that bitch is a psycho, but she won't do anything now that you told me. She won't hurt you or your family neither the person you love so much." He said "I don't want her to get hurt though.." you say "oh a girl, well I should've known you cheated on me then." (Slow ass💀) he looks at you and says "no I didn't cheat I don't want you to get hurt y/n I love you so much." You blush and smile and said "let's go take a walk." You guys walk out and as you both are walking you see someone run towards you guys pulling a gun out....

A/n: so um tysm for 880 views um ima gts hopefully by this part it got a little better 😙

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