About the Book

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Wow this book has been through a lot, many of years of editing, rewriting, and fixing plot holes. Of course the work is never done and this story is forever changing.

A very special thanks to euphuism for making this beautiful cover <3! 

Detailed synopsis:

   Jamie Nova is a teenage girl but already has an adult attitude and plans for her future to try and escape her messed up situation of a life. Even though she ignores her teenage feelings for boys, gossip, and bad situations they always seem to creep up on her. But not in the way you think.

After moving away from here family and friends, for the second time, she went to California with her Aunt where weird things started happening. It first started when she met a boy named Cody. Then her best friend's odd cousin Cassandra, and two other boys- Zach and Thomas. They aren't just a couple of cute boys that Cassandra knows. Well, to be frank, Cassandra isn't really who Jamie thinks she is either. Jamie soon realized some crazy things where not just made in dreams. 

Jamie has special abilities, more than just having smarts. She doesn't know it herself but she's a princess of a lost world called Ekuemair, full of fairytale creatures that she is destined to rule and bring harmony to a world ensued with chaos. 

Jarred Garth the evil king that has been at battle for centuries for power, making new hybrids to try and take over all of Ekuemair in an effortless swoop. He is making alliances with the original creatures which makes it harder to defend the human world, and their own, both on attack at the same time. He does this all while trying to win the heart of Jamie.

The creatures don't want to lose their world again to the darkness, which leaves Jamie with pressure if she should sacrifice herself and unleash an untamed power. But first, she has to choose to become the queen and lead them into greatness, or run away from her duty and kill everyone apart of the creature world, and possibility herself.

No matter which path she seems to choose, it leads to death and destruction. What path will Jamie choose?

"Darkness Before Dawn my love." -Jarred Garth


There is so much I want to add to my world Ekuemair (ec-cua-mar) and this book is just an introduction to it. I've worked hard over the years to really create a universe I feel comfortable with but writing it down is so much harder than I've ever anticipated. So please stick with me because the journey is far from over until I do it proper justice.

Copyright © 2019 jayelana . All rights reserved®

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