What Happened?

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A small gasp left my lips when I saw what was there


Vanessa stood there, there were cuts and bruises all over her body, there was barely any skin that didn't have bruises. She was covered in blood and dirt and her clothes were torn in multiple places.

She looked up when I said her name. She jumped into my arms and started crying. This was the first time I've held my daughter in my arms since she was born...

I glanced over my shoulder at Mary Margaret, who was now concerned "Call Emma"

She nodded and grabbed her cell phone. I turned my attention back to Vanessa who was still shaking and crying

"Nessa... What's wrong?"

I brought her over to the couch and sat her down. She took a few calming deep breaths. I sat down on the table in front of her

"Ness... What happened?"

Before Vanessa could answer Emma, Hook, and Regina ran in. The three of them froze when they saw Vanessa

"What happened?" Emma came over and sat next to her sister

"That's what I'm trying to figure out" I turned back to Vanessa

"The past two weeks I felt like someone was watching me..." Vanessa started "And then when I was at the store I saw someone... So I ran and went back home... But before I could get into the building something hit my head and everything went black... Then I woke up in a dark room..."

She started explaining everything

~Flashback ~ Vanessa's POV~

Groaning, I opened my eyes. I was tied to a chair in a dark room. The door in front of me opened and in walked a man. He looked familiar and it took me a second to place him


It was the man who had kidnapped me when I was a child... The man Hook had saved me from

"Miss me?" He leaned down in front of the chair "I know who you are-"

"What is this Twilight?"

He smacked me across the face. He leaned closer to my face "I'm not here to play games. I know you're the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming..."

As much as I hated to admit it, he terrified me. I never healed, mentally, emotionally or physically, from what he did to me

"Now..." He started "Tell me how to get-"

"How to get to Sesame Street?"

He slapped me again. Whenever I was scared, upset or hurt I would hide it with rudeness and sarcasm.

My cheek burned and my lip was bleeding

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Tell me how to get to Storybrooke"

My heart dropped. There was no way in hell I was letting him get to Storybrooke

"Storybrooke? Sounds fake"

Again, he hit me

~A Week Later~

I looked down at my body. There were so many bruises that I couldn't see my skin. I was still in the darkroom

He wanted me to tell him where Storybrooke was, every time I refused he would hit me with something... I wasn't going to let him get to Storybrooke

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