Chapter 10

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This chapter might be longer that the others but I explain why at the end kinda hope you enjoy I put a lot of effort into this

3 and 8 started to exit the deca tower so they could go back home because they were both exhausted it was to a point where 3 had to carry 8 because she kept falling and couldn't really stand anymore "damn 8 that fight must have taken a lot out of you" "ye-yeah I'm tired I just wanna rest." 8 said "well I noticed you used your Octo shot today" "I'm sorry I didn't used any of the weapons you bought me I just wanted to used that one for me first battle you know" "yeah I understand don't need to apologize." There was a silence after that then 8 said something "hey 3" "yeah 8" "I know I already said this but thank you for everything you've done for me like today you tried your best to look out for me even when you were in the middle of a fight" 3 looks at 8 and sighs but then smiles "no need to thank me 8 I did say I would after all and I intend to keep doing it even if it kills me" and with that 8 felt that feeling again and gets closer to 3's chest as he carry's her and she falls asleep. agent 3 smiles at this sight and said "you did wonderful 8 I'm proud of you." When he said this she got closer and smiled.

3 just got back to pearl and marina's place and tried to knock on the door didn't turn out so well so he did the next best think he kicked the door "YO WHOSE KICKING THE DO-" pearl opens the door and sees who it is "oh it's you welcome back I guess" "yeah thanks" "pearl then noticed 3 carrying a sleeping 8 in his arms "what happened to her?" Pearl asked " well let's just say it takes a lot of energy to be a badass like my friend 8 here" pearl then thought for a moment "so whatcha saying is you had fun without me" "I mean if you wanna put it like that then yeah sure" 3 said chuckling and smiling nervously. "So you coming in or do you need an invitation."oh yeah right sorry" 3 then enters the house say he's back marina went to greet him then saw what she thought to be an hurt and unconscious 8 "OH MY GOD IS 8 OK" Marina panicking from this sight "Marina calm down she's just sleeping" 3 said calming her down "oh well then sorry for freaking out and you should put her on her bed so she can sleep well" "it's okay and already on it, I'll be back" then 3 went to put 8 in her room so she can go to bed and came back five minutes later "agent 3 I got a question" "yeah cap'n" "well I was gonna go back to the bunker in octo Canyon" "yeah of course cap'n maybe we can see Callie and Marie if there still there" "yeah it's been awhile since I've seen me granddaughters" pearl and marina freaked when they heard this "WHAT CALLIE AND MARIE ARE YOUR GRANDDAUGHTERS AND AGENTS" they had shocked faces on there faces "yeah they are I assume your a fan of there's "of course we are" said pearl "hell without them I probably wouldn't be here right now" "we'll sounds great wanna come with us?" 3 asked "trust me we would absolutely love too but me and pearl have" "news tomorrow and have to do a bunch of other shit we can go" "sadly this is the case" "fuuuuccccckkkkk I don't wanna I wanna see the squid sisters" "me too pearlie but we can't we have work" "in upset ima go to bed" then pearl went walking to her room mutter stupid job and such "well it is getting why not we all go to bed you look tired 3 and you need rest" marina told 3 as he yawned "yeah I will I honestly need it at this point goodnight cap'n goodnight Marina " "well goodnight lad" "goodnight 3 have sweet dreams" "thank you marina" marina then smile and says "no problem 3"

3 wakes up and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and such and then gets dressed for his day then goes to the kitchen to see marina "oh good morning 3 why are you up so early?" "Well i always wake up earlier than others and such but what about you isn't your job around 12:30 it's 9 right now" "well I'm an early bird so yeah that explains the rest of it" "yeah it does" 3 chuckles a bit and marina joins him "so 3 want anything to eat?" "Um can I have some cereal I usually like cold things to eat in the morning wakes me up." "Right cold breakfast is the best but here you go." Marina hands him the cereal which was lucky charms "thanks a lot marina" then 3 proceeds to dig in "no problem 3 and I have a question." 3 looks up to her signaling her ask away with a nod "well I'm wondering what's your real name" "oh that why do you wanna know?" Marina look nervous but then said "w-well it's be-because you call all of us by our real names so I just wanted to know yours" marina stood there with a slight blush on her face there was an awkward silence "you don't have to tell-" "it's Jonathan" she was a bit shocked that he answered her but then reached her hand out "hello Jonathan nice to meet you I'm marina ida" she said with a smile on her face then Jonathan chucked a bit then grabbed her hand "hi marina nice to meet you and call me john for short" "alright you got it John" they both smiled but then 8 came running out of her room screaming 3 "3!! Where are you" then she makes it to the living room "um hey 8 I'm right he-" as soon as she saw and heard him she tackles him with a hug and was it a tight hug marina not knowing what to do asked John if he was alright "hey john are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine but 8 why did you-" then he sees her crying in his chest "hey are you alright 8" "I was scared I had an other nightmare and I was scared because I lost you in the dream I don't want the person who saved me die I don't want you to go ." 8 was saying while crying "hey 8 it's okay I'm not leaving so there's nothing to worry about I'll always be here for you." 8 looks up and her tears start to dry a little bit "you promise" "I promise I'm not leaving" then the infamous smile happens and she didn't even question her the feeling that time she just laid there still hugging John. A couple of minutes pass by and they got up and marina gave 8 cereal too not too long after the captain and pearl woke up and they also ate but those two ate pancakes "so cap'n are we going to octo canyon today" "yeah we should get going and we'll bring 8 with us too" "yeah cap'n I was gonna do that no matter what" "wait so where are we going 3?" "Well you heard calamari incantation right" "i Have AND I LOVE IT." 8 said with excitement in her voice "well we're gonna see the sisters that made it" 8 was shocked "wait we're gonna meet the squid sisters ARE YOU SERIOUS" "we'll yeah there good friends of mine and there the granddaughters of the cap'n" 8 then looks at the old cap'n and said "your related to the SQUID SISTERS?!?!" "You bet I am but enough talking let's actually go there" the cap'n suggested "yeah it's about that time pearlie time to go to work" marina said "but rinaaaaa I don't wanna" well pearl we have to" "fineee" "we'll walk with you three" "well sounds like a plan to me" John said and then they all started walking to the square .

His smile (Agent 3 x Agent 8)Where stories live. Discover now