Fast forward to the video shoot
Rey's POV
I say "we all look emo" as I walk down the stairs after I was told to wear all black. We're all wearing black and I was told to pack street clothes just in case. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. Mike says "its just how it works today I guess." I laugh and we all get in the car. I say "were all going to rob a bank after right?" Jaime says "mhm of course." Tony says "Hime, don't take my kid to rob a bank please." I say "but dad!" Jaime says "hey the kid wants to." Tony says "Jaime's a bad influence on you." I laugh and say "I know. Thats why I hang out with him" sarcastically. Kellin had to go to the set this morning for some reason but ya know don't question Kellin its a bad idea. We get to the set and I'm met with a bunch of people I don't know then I run into a rather tall person wearing a suit. I look up and say "oh hey Kellin." Kellin says "hey child what's up?" I say "nothing. You look nice." Kellin says "thank you very much." I give him finger guns as I walk around and I find another girl on set. She looks like a young professional person. I walk over to her and say "finally some young estrogen." She laughs and says "I know right all the woman here are old and I'm over here being the same age as the band." I chuckle and say "I dunno the people in the band are pretty old" loudly to annoy them. Mike says "Vic's old!" I say "he's mentally 2." The girl laughs and says "I'm sure he is. I'm Claire what's your name?" I say "Rey." She says "wait you're Mike and Tony's kid how is it living with the guys?" I say "it is certainly interesting." She chuckles and says "thats amazing." I say "mhm." Claire says "I have to go finish getting ready." She rushes off and I hear a quiet "is it hot in here or is it just you?" I shake my head knowing Vic and Kellin are staring at each other in their suits. I say "hey! You're working in an office no PDA." Vic says "tell your parents that." I say "ok touché. But you guys are shooting in a second." Kellin salutes me saying "yes ma'am." I roll my eyes and I see a guy that looks like he would be the owner of this fake office. I read his name tag aloud "Hubert Smalls? Who came up with that name?" The guy says "you're Rey? Right?" I say "mhm. You're killin me Smalls!" Hoping someone would get the reference. A few people laugh and the start filming the video a few minutes after. On the first miss take Kellin hit Vic in the face with the pen. Vic says "ouch." I laugh and Vic says "my face!" We all laugh and Kellin says " your face will survive." They eventually finish the video and from behind the camera it looks good. It was chaotic but it was so much fun.
An hour later
We get home and as soon I get inside the house I post on instagram that I'm going live in a few minutes. Ive gained a million followers since the interview. I go downstairs and I see pizza take out boxes on the counter. I say "seriously guys?" Jaime says "I wanted pizza." I chuckle and steal a box and go upstairs. I grab my computer and log onto instagram and I go live, seeing people joining quickly. After a few minutes I say "hello" taking a bite of pizza. Then the chat blows up with a bunch of 'hi's.' I smile and say "I asked for questions on my twitter a while ago today so I'm going to answer those." Then the chat blows up again. I say "first question. Who's the better dad? Mike or Tony? Really guys I can't pick. Next question. How do you deal with negativity?" Thats a good one. I say "I try to surround myself with good people, I listen to music, and sometimes its good to turn off your phone if it gets overwhelming." I hear a knock on the door and I say "I'm live. You can come in if you want." Mike walks in shirtless saying "I'm crashing your q and a." When he walks in the views go up immediately. I chuckle and say "you should just sit her cause my views just went up by like 100." Dad laughs and says "probably" flopping on my bed. I chuckle and says "who's the better dad? Seriously again?" Dad says "I am the best." I hear a voice from the doorway say "Mike you're 2 but were both pretty equal I'd say." I say "you got the answer from dad himself. Next question. What is the most annoying thing your parents do?" Mike says "you're on thin ice, sweetheart." Tony lays on Mike's back and I say "they aren't annoying. You think I wouldn't say it cause they are right here but they don't annoy me." Tony says "Mike, stop touching my ass." I chuckle and roll my eyes saying "I don't want to get banned guys." Tony mumbles "yeah Mike" kissing the back of Mike's neck. I say "next question. What's your favorite color? Ummm red." Mike says "you should answer the weird questions in your chat." I laugh and say "maybe." I look at the questions and I say "do you realize how weird those are. What's your favorite kind of banana? Winky face. Seriously dad." Mike bursts out laughing and Tony shakes his head at Mike. I say "for everyone watching here's your visuals for your perrentes fan fictions" gesturing to my dads. Mike glares at me and Tony blushes, hiding his face in between Mikes shoulder blades.

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