Chapter 8

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Shinso stopped calling Aizawa's name once he knew that the man wasn't going to respond. But, he had to take a double take at Aizawa. Was that a bruise that he saw on the right side of his jaw? It was probably from hero patrolling. No. Aizawa didn't have hero patrolling yesterday. Shinso will text him later to apologize for yesterday, so training won't be awkward today. That's if he's not ignored.

Aizawa made it into his homeroom. He was met with All Might teaching his class as the students listened. Aizawa interrupted All Might's speech. He walked farther into his classroom, setting his binder on his podium.

His chorus of students greeted him. "Hi, Aizawa-sensei!"

He acknowledged his students with a hand.

"Excuse me for my tardiness. I got held up."

All Might just so happened to catch the side of his college's face. His eyes got wide, All Might knew that the bruise on Aizawa's jaw was not there earlier.

Aizawa felt the man's gaze lingering on the side of his face. It was making him uncomfortable. "Thank you, All Might. I got this from here." Aizawa casually fixated his scarf higher on his shoulders, so he wouldn't cause worry. I'm a fool for not doing this earlier.

All Might snapped out of his gaze. "Alrighty then. I'll be on my Mighty way." He waved a goodbye to the students and left.

"Let's began." Aizawa said, beginning class.

Let's hippity hoppity to the teachers lounge-ity

Aizawa was now in the teachers lounge again. Homeroom had just ended, so other teachers will be pouring in and out of here for the next few minutes. Aizawa thought to himself as he finished grading all the essays from yesterday.

'Ignoring Shinso was pretty childish of me. It's not like he did anything wrong at all. Why was that even my first instinct? I can't ignore him, he's completely clueless in everything that's going on. It's just not right.'

He felt his phone vibrate, it was a text message from Shinso.

Shinso: I tried talking to
you in the hallway but u
didn't respond. I don't
know if ur still mad about
yesterday, but I just wanted
to let u know that I apologize
for not bringing my inhaler
to training. I'll bring it for
now on. 12:00pm

Me: Shinso, I'm not mad
at you. I just care about ur
health. It frustrated me to
see you be so nonchalant
about it. 12:01pm

Me: care to tell me why u
haven't been bringing ur
inhaler? 12:02pm

Shinso: idk, it just feels
like ppl might see me as
vulnerable when I use it

Me: you shouldn't be
feeling that way. I see
where ur coming from
tho. it's like me with my
eye drops. 12:03pm

Shinso: I knew u would
understand. i tried
talking to my father about
it and he just told me to
start bringing my inhaler.
but unlike him you actually
talked it out with me 12:04pm

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