Part 24

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I made it to the quarter, feeling nervous. I was worried about Kol. I felt an arm sling around my shoulder, I was pulled into a chest, I smiled.

"I'm glad you here." I wrapped my arms around, squeezing him tight. A few memories popped into my head; I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"I wouldn't be any where else." Jeremy answered. I wiped the tear, pulling away and grinning at him.

"How is Lilly?" before Jeremy could answer, there was a crashing sound coming from inside. I raced through the doors, eyes darting around.


Lilly groaned in pain, she hunched over on all fours, a scream coming from her throat. I ran over, dropping down quickly beside her.

"Lil?" I pulled her hair back to look at her face. It was crunched in pain, sweat beading along her skin. She screamed again.

"" she panted. Her head turned to me, her eyes glowing a neon blue. I gasped slightly, squeezing her shoulder. "JORDAN!" she screamed out and started to cry.

"Lilly, please.....what about the baby? What about Hope?"

"SHE'S....." she groaned again, panting harder.

"she's what?" I asked when there was nothing but groans and screams.

"COMING!" Lilly turned to me, eyes were bright, and teeth lengthened. I forced my body to remain still, I was terrified, but I couldn't let her see that. Her eyes roamed over my body, landing on my chest, she blinked starring. I forgot about her hearing. I took a breath in, trying to calm myself.

"Ok...." I nodded, trying to push my body into action. She screamed again, I shook my fear off and staggered to my feet. I pulled her up, taking some of her weight. I huffed, I really needed to work out more. I felt that her weight disappeared and saw Jeremy cradling Lilly against him.

"Where to?" he asked.

I thought about it, I had never done anything like this before. This was a first for me. I thought back to movies I had seen....

"Table. Dining room." I pointed, running to the doors and opening them. Jeremy was right behind me. We sped walked to the dining room, I grabbed pillows and a few blankets, trying to set up a makeshift bed thing, give her something comfortable. Lilly screamed out, I cringed. I really had no idea how to do this. The door opened and Valerie walked in, her long brown hair sat on top of her head in a bun. She smiled at me.

"I will help you."

"Yes please." I nodded, walking around, and grabbing a hold of Lilly's hand. I could feel power flowing from her and into me. I looked down at our hands, a warm orange glow underneath. 

Many hours later, a broken hand that had healed, curse words and finally Hope was born into the world. Lilly was holding onto her, smiling down, she looked exhausted and drained.

"My Hope." She murmured, kissing the top of Hope's head. We had bathed her, dressing her in a white onesie. I kissed Lilly's temple.

"I'm so proud of you."

"I couldn't have done this without you." She smiled at me. her rounded cheeks and blue eyes were lit with joy. her blonde hair struck to her face. I had pulled what I could back into a braid.

"Want to hold her?" she asked, offering me the little bundle that lay quiet in her arms. I shook my head.

"She is sleeping. Look how beautiful she is." I smiled, eyes tracing every inch of Hope's face. I touched my finger to her cheek, feeling the warmth under the pad of my finger. I smiled, feeling tears pricking the back of my lids. I had never thought about kids before, but seeing Hope and how precious she is, made feelings stir inside.

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