Prologue: Convergences

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'In this world, there are two absolute states; order and chaos. Like oil and water, these two states collided with one another, causing an explosion This collision sparked the creation of life. Now, this planet that cradles the seedling of new creation boldly floats through the vastness of space, it has yet to know the shining destiny that awaits its future.'

The planet brimming with new life proceeded to veer into another, though much larger, planet. The smaller world shattered into countless pieces as it touched the giant's black surface. In one fantastic moment of chaos, the oh so hopeful planet became nothing more than dust in the lone vacuum of space, most of its remains were then pulled into the bigger planet. The shattered remains either became a part of its surface or formed into a ring of rubble floating over the now boiling byproduct.

In frustration, Spade tore her opening draft out of her notepad, scrunched it up and tossed over her shoulder. Ruffles of it falling among the mountain heap behind her told Spade that she had once again missed the trash can.

With a huff, Spade flopped back on her chair, her bare legs pushing up against the bottom of the table from leaning back too much. With her back arched over, she watched that sinister planet flow away overhead.

Although Spade did create this universe in a vacuum, she could have sworn she heard the planet cackling as it flowed onwards. Maybe it was all in her head. She did make the rules. She did not create the planets to be spiteful.

Even knowing that Spade could have sworn that the giant planet that killed her latest attempt at creating was flaunting its new planetary ring like it was its crown. She had failed to make a convincing claim. At least the planets had... presence? Attitude? That counted as sufficient life, didn't it? Spade shut her eyes in resignation to the thought.

Alive or not, it's not like such a thing would have gotten her parents' approval. Sentient planets just made too little sense anyways. First this crappy opening she wrote, then this.

"Chaos wins again," she groaned inwardly.

She rubbed her temples and sighed. She just couldn't get her head to work straight today. Nothing she put to paper came out how she wanted, and soon her parents were going to check up on her. Review day, they called it. She clenched her jaw at the thought of it. She'd barely gotten them to agree on her not being distracted for at least two hours a day all for the sake of writing.

"Every striving writer needs their own space to get good work done," she said a few weeks back at the dinner table.

She thought that she'd got them to understand her struggles at first, that they were, at last, willing to support her in her dream to become a weaver of worlds, a writer.

However, it soon dawned on her that whatever show of support they were expressing was not the motivating kind. They did not say anything outright hostile. In fact, when Spade took a moment to think about it, she could easily put their attitude on their ignorance on understanding that the creative writing process was not like other career paths.

Still, this, if anything, made their words strike her far harder than they really should have.

"You've only done five-hundred words?" her mother Chance once said when she'd pop her head into her room at the time just when Spade was about done shutting herself in after a long writing session. "Don't the pro writers get over two-thousand words done in this amount of time?"

That ripped the eager smile right off of the little girl's face. In truth, Spade was really proud of her five-hundred words. Each word was a token to her dedication. She didn't even procrastinate or binge-read other books the whole time. Well... except for that one time she needed a quick example for a scene she was working on, but that hardly counted even if she read a few pages past the scene in question.

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