Chapter 6: The Revelation

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"Hey! There's someone over here!" A young voice called out.

"Are they alive?" A female voice wondered.

"Probably not. There seems to be nothing to eat or drink here. This place was completely abandoned more than one hundred years ago," a teen, wearing water tribe clothing responded with a shrug.

"Well, it's worth checking, Sokka," the female voice answered as she kneeled in front of the seemingly dead body.

"Fine, do your thing Katara," he shrugged again.

"Well?" the 'youngest' of the three pondered.

"I think he's still breathing!" Katara shouted in excitement.

"What are you waiting for? Wake him up!" Sokka said, moving closer towards where his companions were.

The last bender of the southern water tribe reached out slowly, touching the teen's shoulder, before gently shaking him awake.

"Hey. Wake up," she called.

The teen's face scrunched, his eyes squeezed shut until he gradually opened them to see the three kids in front of him. You could clearly see the confusion in his eyes.

"Wh...where am I?" he questioned, his voice hoarse.

"Here, have something to drink," Katara handed him her water. The teen mumbled thanks in response, before gulping down some water to wet his dry throat.

"We're at the southern air temple," the strange boy with a weird arrow tattoo on his head finally responded.

The now fully awake teen's eyes widened in shock. "You're an air bender!" he called in amazement.

"I am! Name's Aang and these are Katara and Sokka," the boy grinned at the shocked teen.

"I thought they were all wiped out by the fire nation... How are you still alive?" the confused teen inquired.

"Aang is a special case..." Katara mumbled, making eye contact with Aang in a silent question. The boy nodded in response. "...he's the avatar. He ran away from home and got himself stuck in an iceberg for one hundred years," she explained.

"Everyone thought you were dead... this whole time..."

Aang nodded with a sad smile plastered on his face.

Sokka, who was getting impatient, suddenly interrupted their small conversation. "Okay, enough with the chit chat! It's time for an interrogation."

He pointed an accusing finger at the H/C haired teen. "Why are you here? This temple has been abandoned for a century. How did you even get up here anyway?"

The teen shrugged. "I can't remember. I don't even remember going to sleep... I only remember waking up here and seeing you three in front of me."

Sokka rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "Okay... What's your name then?" he asked.

"Oh, that's something I do remember! I'm Y/N, nice to meet you," he grinned.


Y/N quickly sat up in his bed, startled. "What the hell was that?" he huffed to himself.

As he looked down at himself, he noticed that he was covered in sweat. He sighed.

"Y/N are you awake yet?" Pema's voice suddenly called.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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