Why Dick Hates School

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Damian - 16

Tim - 13

Jason - 11 

Barbra - 10

Dick - 8

"Come on, Dickie, don't be scared." Tim cooed.
His newest brother nodded, very frightened to be starting school; for  his English was still pitiful, for another, it was 2/3 of the way through the year, and he'd never attended an actual school
"Jason can help you find your class-"

"No way!" Jason moaned. "I don't wanna be seen with my dumb baby brother!"

"You're so immature." Tim scowled. "You two will meet Barbra at the front door, and she can help you find your class... if Jason is still acting like a two-year-old."

"Well you're acting like a one-year-old."

"SHUT- up. shut up." Damian cautioned. "Todd, you will help Richard find his class, it's his first day and he needs help. Timothy, will you just back up for a few minutes?" He ordered. "Anyway, we're here." He pulled the brake and leaned back in the driver's seat. Being aloud to use the car was supposed to be a privilege, not a chore. 

"Bye Jay. Good luck at school today, Dick! First day of school, So exciting!"

As the door closed, Damian glared at him in the rear view mirror.
"He's going to hate it."

Tim sighed. 
"Well, I know that, and you know that, but Dick doesn't know that. He's scared enough right now."

"So you're lying to him to make him trust in something that will likely break him."

"Look, maybe It'll work. It's better than telling him that school might hurt him." Tim answered, worrying on his brother's behalf.

"WILL Hurt him." Damian corrected.

"Shut up and drive me to school."

Jason slams the car door after them. It was pain just standing next to his kid brother at the front gate. God, what if someone saw him? Thankfully, he spied Barbra.

"Hey Babs."

"Hey -Oh hi, Dick." She noticed the young boy, clutching the back of Jason's backpack, terrified he might get lost in the swam of strangers.

Jason shook his backpack as his brother gripped it like a lifesaver. "Get. Off!"

"Okay, don't shake him!" The redheaded girl exclaimed.
"Right! Today is your first day of school,right, Dick? Are you exited?"
He gave a microscopic shrug.
"Awesome! Hey, let's find out what classroom you're in."

"Cool, you do that, I have better thinks to do."

"Jason, you suck. Come on Dick, let's go inside."

Barbra's friends crowded her quickly, and quickly noticed the adorable little boy none of them had seen there before.
Dick made very shy introductions, hiding half-behind the redhead.
Tween girls do not relent easily when excited, Barbra almost had to beat them off with a stick when the first bell want off, making Dick jump, and hold onto handfuls of her blazer.

Barbra took Dick to the office and reasoned that he was in Mrs. Florio's class.
Of course, when they got there, Barbra had to run to get to her own class.

Mrs. Florio didn't have a desk set up, so she did that first, while instructing Dick, in her honey-sweet, patronizing voice, to introduce himself to the class.

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