Chapter 56 : Lost Stars

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Today, the campus has its Clubs' Festa. This will be the day that the students will get the chance to join a club of their choice, but to get in, each club has its own appropriate way of accepting new members.

Although it is not compulsory to join a club today, students are encouraged to at least try and give their best.

Last night, Jungkook told me that he is going to join the club where Jaehyun and Eunwoo are already members. I heard it's a sing and dance club, so he'll perfectly fit in there.

As usual, Jungkook told me to join them as well, but knowing myself that I can't even move my shoulders to dance without breaking my bones and cracking a glass when I sing, I had to decline the invitation to embarrass myself.

I wanted to join the arts club but I'm always low in confidence, and that is what hinders me from doing so. Seeing that there is nothing for me to do today, I'm convinced that I should just sleep in my room. But I promised Jungkook that I'll watch his audition later.

He is going to perform on a stage in front of an audience and judges. That sounds scary and I'm proud that he will do it for his love of entertainment arts.

Aside from the club booths, there are also food stalls scattered around the campus. It was the ones that kept me busy throughout the day. Corndogs, huge pretzels, and much more appetizing stuff, I can't resist all of them.

I was busy buying churros when someone called me. "Deonne!" A girl shrieked.

That voice.

I turned around to see Yana waving her hands from a distance. I also noticed the six boys who are roaming their eyes around for prey to catch behind her.

After getting my food, I run towards Yana and hugged her. "It's so nice to see you!" I squeaked.

"You too." She sighed. "What did you do? Yoongi told me that he knows who you are." She suddenly whispered with a mad voice. I continued faking my smile in front of the other while she silently lectures me during the hug.

"I don't know, he just suddenly told me that he knew," I whispered back and she moved away from the hug.

"Liar," She hissed. "He said he found you drunk in the streets of Vancouver when you're supposed to be here in Seattle."

"I'll explain it later, okay?"

"Woah, woah. Little big Jungkook might get jealous." Jimin barges in and gently pushes me and Yana away from each other.

"Nice to see you too, Jimin." I scoffed and he winked at me. "Why are you all here?"

"You see, you're not the only important person in Jungkook's life right now. He wanted us to watch him perform, so here we are." He answered.

"Don't you have classes?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We have and we don't care," Hoseok suddenly butts in.

I suddenly felt someone staring at me on my left and I involuntarily find that someone. It turns out to be Yoongi, he is tapping on his watch, indicating that the time is getting closer.

I just nod my head at him and shifted my gaze back to Yana.

I acted as their tour guide while waiting for Jungkook's audition. Of course, most of the guys are not interested in the place, they're interested in the females who are already eyeing them.

I decided not to disturb Jungkook, but the rest are insisting to take a quick visit with him. So the six guys went to the dormitories while Yana and I continued enjoying the Festa.

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