Chapter 7-Keefe

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Biana is officially my new best friend. She just saved me from admitting I like Sophie. It was wayyyyyy to close. Plus I would ha-

"Keefeeeeeeeeeeee! Earth to keefeeeee!" Sophie called, interrupting my thoughts.

"Ya what's up?" I asked.

"Can you tell me what you two were talking about with Fitz?" She asked. Shoot she's onto me.

"Ummmmmmmmm." Was all I could get out.

"So who's this mystery girl? Or I could just look through your thoughts?" She said. She just cornered  me. This is not gonna end well. I looked to Ro for help.  She just shook her head at me and smiled.

" I think you should just search my mind and save me the embarrassment." I said.

"Okay hunkyhair. Looks like you do need me after all. Do NOT search his mind unless you want some bacteria as your new friend." Ro threatened. Sophie put her hands up to show defeat.She was so cute. 

"So, can you tell me then, Ro?" 

"Sorry." Ro said shaking her head no. "But if Keefe doesn't tell you, he'll be the one with the bacteria friend." Ro threatened, me this time. I was stuck. I had to figure out if she liked me first. So that's what I said.

"I want to know if she likes me before I confess to anyone. Well, except that Fitz knows. And Biana. Dex also might. Actually, I think Tam and Linh know to." Keefe stalled, teasing Sophie  in the process.

"Wow. I thought we were friends Keefe." She teased back. "Just tell me  already before I loose it." She said.

"Okay, Mrs. Fossboss. I'll......tell you. No judging. And don't hurt me." I said.

"Why would I hurt you?" She asked.  I didn't respond. I looked at Ro one last time for help.Finally she nodded. 

"Wait!" I thought of an idea. I knew Sophie would accept it.

"What?" She said.

"I'll tell you the girl I like if you tell me who it is you like. And I know it's not Fitz. You-"

"You can't lie to an empath, I know, I know. And deal." She said. We shook on it. 

"On 3."

"1" She said

"2" I said after her

"3" we said at the same time.

There for me(A KOTLC Sokeefe Story)Where stories live. Discover now