Chapter 10

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A/N: 64 views AND a vote?? Thank you so much 🥺 I actually wrote this out of boredom, and because I don't have books 5-8 yet making me just leave the rest for imagination. I hope this thing made out of boredom help you out of your own, after all, we could always use a little fun in our lives.


Sophie knocked 3 times before entering, her eyes immediately recognizing the two figures expecting for her.

"Hi Elwin and Mr. Forkle." She greeted, slowly closing the door behind her.

"We actually need to talk to you." Elwin said, offering for her to sit on the bed with her picture frame.

"Isn't that the reason you told me to come?" Sophie asked, staring at her picture where she was wearing the Mastodon costume, making her a little bit uncomfortable.

"Actually, I was just gonna run some tests on you, but Mr. Forkle here has something to tell you. I'll check you while he talks to you." As soon as he explained it, he went to work, snapping his fingers.

Several orbs of light floated around her, checking her for internal and external status. Thankfully, all the lights indicated that she was safe and healthy.

Mr. Forkle cleared his throat bringing Sophie's attention from the orbs of light to him. "So, Sophie. The twins tried investigating what happened to you. They gave me this... peculiar thing."

He brought out the orb of water Lihn gave him, where Tam explained to contain something ominous.

"Is that what made me forget?" Sophie asked, pointing to the orbof water in Mr. Forkle's hand.

"Yes, and no. I'll explain it to you in a manner that you'll easily understand." Mr. Forkle said.

Elwin snapped his fingers again, making the lights disappear in a blink of an eye. "Okay, Sophie. You're good, but tell me if something hurts. As you can see, I can only check physical attributes, so I'd be glad if you confide in me about headaches or anything." he told her.

"I usually experience headaches whenever I remember a memory, but once the memory ends, it also stops." Sophie explained. Elwin was writing it in a paper and asked "Anything else? Feeling nauseous or fatigued?"

"None that I know of." Sophie replied as to which Elwin nodded.

"I think Mr. Forkle also has the answer to those headaches. I'll leave you two to talk." He said as he draw the curtains to give them space and privacy.

"Okay, I'll start with this." Mr. Forkle handed Sophie the orb of water. "That thing is not evil, nor an independent force. After some investigation, I found out it's a memory. I can't see the memory though, but I believe that's yours."

Sophie looked at the orb and remembered Tam's words. "Actually, Tam said something similar, like how there's blacked out parts in my mind, and it turns out those are memories." She said. "But, why is this certain memory out here?"

"That is the next concern." Mr Forkle told her after a deep breath. "I have a reason to believe that you inflicted pain on yourself, which caused you to experience a shock and, well  forget everything. I'm not sure how you inflicted on yourself, but that is the only possible answer."

Sophie looked at the orb for a long time, breathing out a sigh. "So my theory was right. I did this to myself." Mr. Forkle was actually alarmed to hear it from Sophie herself.

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