Chapter 12 Apprentice

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"How is that even possible? How did no one find out. How did you learn." Bonnie ask.
"When I was little your Grams thought me, but after she died the spirits and dead witches started teaching me, because in very powerful. I can even help you in some spells if you want." I offered.
"Really? Why would you do this for me? I was never nice to you." Bonnie said
"You might not have been nice but you are still a witch and in need of training, you could be my apprentice. But you mustn't tell anyone what you know about me Bonnie, it must remain a secret until I feel that they deserve to know I will not tell. However I will help in situations but they won't know it's me. After all I am just a pathetic worthless human." I said.
"Clarissa I never meant anything I said, it's just that Elena said horrible things about you so we all assumed you were horrible, I really am sorry."
"I know you are, your aura shows the you are telling the truth." I said while smiling at her enchanted face.
"You can read auras?" She ask amazed.
"Yes it's one of my many gifts, you yourself might be able to learn it if you listen to me in lessons. We will start tomorrow at 9pm meet me at the grill and I will bring you to my secret cottage in the woods."

The Next Day

When I walked into the Grill I saw Elena interrogating Bonnie, trying to find out what I talked about yesterday.
"Hey Bonnie ready to go?" I asked from behind her. She turned around and gave me a hug.
"Yes now come on I can wait any longer!" She yelled excitedly causing me to laugh at her enthusiasm.
"Alright let's go." Before I could leave the evil twin grab ahold of my arm and spin me around.
"Where are you taking her! What did you do to her!" Elena yelled causing people to stare at us.
"Sis don't you trust me? I offered to help with a Bonnie problem and she is just so grateful, so me being the good sister is helping her and you being the evil sister is not allowing me to help one of your best friends. Now let me go or you will regret it. BITCH!" I yelled. Making Elena look at me horrified. I turned to Bonnie with a kind smile.
"Let's go apprentice." I giggled. We were about to go out but not before I heard Elena talk to Damon.
"Follow her."

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