Good Luck

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As you flew the ship closer to the Bifrost you could see Asgardians on the bridge halfway across, but you could also see a giant black shape blocking their path.

"Get me closer!" Valkyrie shouted. You did as told and swooped down towards the figure allowing Valkyrie to fire at it and stop it from getting any closer.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the giant wolf," Bruce told you as he looked down at what Valkyrie was firing at.

"Oh no," you told him, pressing some buttons on the console, "I definitely see it too."

Trying to keep the ship steady you noticed undead soldiers coming from the other side of the bridge. Thankfully living up to the stories the Asgardian people fought back defending themselves. On the Bifrost side of the bridge, Valkyrie didn't seem to be doing any damage to the wolf just pissing it off.

She stopped firing and shouted in frustration, "This stupid dog won't die!"

You looked at the buttons on the ship's console trying to see if you could do anything useful. Meanwhile, Bruce seemed to have decided on what to do. He stood up from his seat and stood next to Valkyrie in the back. "Everything's going to be okay. I got this. You want to know who I am?"

She looked at him confused, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You'll see."

You looked behind you just as Bruce jumped out of the ship. "Did he just jump?!"

On the bridge, the wolf charged towards the Asgardians getting closer by the second. There was nothing stopping him until Splat! Bruce fell face first on the bridge causing the creature to stop in its tracks and sniff his limp body. When nothing happened, it continued towards its target snarling. You thought they were all goners until suddenly you noticed a large green figure tug on the beast's tail. It's pulled away from the people and now an angry green Hulk stands in its way.

They began to fight but ended up falling off from the bridge and into the water. Valkyrie looks at you shocked and confused but doesn't have time to ask you anything as alarms start blaring in the ship. You look outside the windshield and notice undead soldiers climbing on the side of your ship tearing into it. You tried to shake them off, but they had already caused too much damage.

"Hold on!" you told Valkyrie maneuvering the ship so it would go skidding down the bridge taking a few soldiers with it. Valkyrie started fighting those that were still moving and gestured for you to go help the people as they were starting to get overrun.

You ran over and started to take down soldier after soldier, tearing their heads off was easy as they were already dead but the problem was no matter how many you took out more just kept coming at you. A few of them managed to grab hold of your arms pulling you back as another approached you with its blade. As it was about to lounge it was bashed to the ground and the ones pulling you back were pulled off you. You looked at your helpers and saw Korg standing there with a few gladiators by his side.

"Hey man, how's it going? We're going to jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Want to come?" he asked you.

"What- How-" You turned hearing a loud engine coming behind you. Appearing from the fog you saw a giant ship and on it none other than the god of mischief standing with his arms wide surrounded by the rest of the gladiators.

Animal instincts Avengers x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now