He was cool: Chapter Four

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"A- WHAT?" I spat.

"A date" replied Seb.


"A DATE!" he snapped. Flinching backwards I looked at both Kane and Travis who had the same expression as me.

"Hey, hey Travis" I whispered waving my hand for him to come over beside me.

"Yeah" Travis whispered back coming over to me.

"You know we can hear you guys?" scolded Seb.

"Did you put some crack in this guys coffee today?" I whispered into his ear.

"No" he nodded his head from side to side. "I would be dead right now!" he shivered rubbing both his arms.

"Okay.." I murmured.

"Look" Seb rolled his eyes, "It's not what you think, alright?" he sighed.

"Then spit it out already charlie brown!" I crossed my arms together.

"I'm having a house party tonight come over with your friends or whatever"

"What god damn idiot has a party on the first day of school?" I scrunched my face up.

"This one" Kane barked from laughter.

"Look" snapped Seb, "Are you going to come or not?" he said impatiently.

"First of all... Why do you want me to come to this party?"

"It's the easiest way for me and you to talk to each other"

"Why?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No offense, my reputation would be on the line if we were ever caught talking to each other" Seb bunty spoke.

"WOW" I clapped my hands, "And you think I wanna be caught with a mentally unstable fool like you?" I snorted.

"High five!" I raised my hand.

"Yeah!" laughed Travis returning the high five.

"Really Travis... really?" glared Seb.

"S-s-sorry.." Travis stuttered backing away from me.

"Okay so we both agree that we wouldn't be caught DEAD talking to eachother in public, right?" Seb smirked.

"Okay wise guy" I did the bunny ears with my fingers. "Since you don't want to be caught with me in public... Why in the hell do you want to meet at a party?" I raised one eyebrow.

"Well this is the thing" frowned Seb, "Since no one at the party is allowed the first floor of my house we can go up there."

"Why don't we just meet at Mcdonalds or something?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't go to Mcdonalds, ugh" clarified Seb, "Plus you're so up tight trust me this party will do you good." Both Kane and Seb grinned.

"Okay lets just say I come to this party" I sighed, "What in the world do you want to talk about?"

"About my car obviously" Seb rolled his eyes.

"Buddy..... if your keeping count of whose being the biggest 'sarcastic smartass' I already got 50 points on you" I crooned.

"Whatever" Seb rolled his eyes. "So you going to come or not"

"Fine" I extended my head out, "I'll come, but promise were going to negoiate?" I stuck out a pinky.

"What are you nuts?" he snorted, "No way in hell am I going to do a pinky promise"

"SOMEONE HELP HE'S TOUCHING ME PLACES NO MAN SHOULD TOUCH-" Seb threw his hand ontop of my mouth.

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