Chapter 28

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He dreamed, and in his dreams there was a man.

He wasn't supposed to dream. He hadn't really slept since he entered S.H.I.E.L.D.

But he was. The man stared at him with a burning star in his face, and it took all he had not to cower. He had nothing to hide.

Eventually, the man tore his burning gaze from Loki and the mood of the dream lightened more and more until it was just the dullness of thought Loki was used to while on his resting trance.

Someone was shaking him, and he stiffened until he reasoned that whoever it was was trying to wake him up instead of killing him when he was vulnerable. He relaxed somewhat, and his senses started coming back.

The first thing he heard was Thor's voice urging him to move.

"What in the name of... What's happening?" He demanded, shaking off Thor's hand. The god looked back as if wondering whether he'd been followed.

"Steve's talking to the Director." He informed.

"Amazing. Now goodbye, I heard I'm in for a pretty interesting test tomorrow and I'd like to rest." He tried turning his back to him, but Thor held him still. "What?"

"We found the Chitauri base. Steve's trying to convince the Director to launch an attack to rescue our friend Clint. In case he denies him, my duty is to get you out."

"Hawkeye let himself get caught?" Loki arched an eyebrow in disbelief.

"He went in alone."

"... Really, where's this incredible wisdom you see in these mortals, Thor?"

"Not now, Loki..."

"Have you idiotic bunch got a plan yet?"

"We enter the burrow, kill those in our way, and reach our friend Clint before killing the rest of them." Thor grumbled without taking his eyes off the door.

"I'm going to take a wild guess here and say it was your plan, am I right?"

"If you think you've got a better idea, keep it to yourself because frankly, your magnificent plans are the cause of every single problem we have right now."

"That's hurtful."

"Not as hurtful as the organization if we get caught while breaking you out so help me watch out for the signal."


"What part of 'no' did you not get, Rogers?" Fury looked back at his reports, frowning.

"Sir, what we have here is a unique chance. We can recover Clint and wipe out this menace before they get their chance to strike!" Steve tried again.

"The councilmen want their prisoner, and that's not up for discussion."

"Nick, you shot down a plane because you didn't like their orders." Tony grinned his most charming smile. Of course he knew it would just irritate Fury further, but he couldn't help himself.

"That involved a whole city of innocents wiped off the map. This involves you giving me the coordinates and me directing a non-destructive operation. You want to blow up a whole block." He answered through clenched teeth, prompting the two men at the other side of his desk to start talking over each other.

"We want our teammate safe!" Steve's voice raised. "He could be considered useless by the time you choose to act!"

"You just want to run more tests on my hot piece of ass." Tony wanted to cackle madly when Fury's face paled and then purpled.

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