[02-1] A Heart Blacker than Rot

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The grey girl takes a step back. There are more of them. Many, many more. Nine. One by one emerging from the fog squabbling loudly and hurling yet more insults at each other. She shivers. This is exactly the kind of thing she was worried about; no one who can help her, just more of the same vicious girls who seem to only exist to tear each other down.

She sees more girls with horns, a few with hooves, sharp and loud on the stone below them, one whose front is spattered with blood, one with a hole in her chest oozing red, one with half of her arm hanging off, the skin torn away from the bone, another one who's covered in eyes, a few whose faces she can barely see, many whose bodies are hidden in long robes. Every feature she takes in is more horrifying than the last, and her worries about what kind of people she's been surrounded by only grow.

"Everyone, be quiet!" snaps one of the girls, shrill voice rising above the rest. Little by little, a tense silence falls, as all eyes turn to glare at the girl who dared to speak up.

This girl is the smallest one by far. She's a good head shorter than most of the others, and what the grey girl can see of her body is thin and petite. She has four arms, and like Cowardly, every one of them is covered with eyes. Her face has an expression of disdain, yet more eyes narrowed in a blatant look of hatred towards the rest. Her skin is a dark, unpleasant shade of grey, and her hair is light and ashy, left loose in tangled, matted curls around her head. Her clothing is heavy and dark, covered in frills, and she gives off the impression that she wants to look important.

"Hello, new one," the small girl says. All of her eyes flicker at once to look at the grey girl, an unnerving motion that sends a little chill down her spine. "My name is Jealousy. Our job, for the moment, is to welcome you. Everyone," she says this with a pointed look at the others, "will introduce herself to you. In order, please!" she snaps, standing tall.

The group itself seems to glare at her. The grey girl gets the impression that someone would be choking Jealousy if they could. One of the bigger girls even has her hands twitching by her side.

"You already know me," Selfishness says, looking annoyed. "As you should. Dunno why we have to do this stupid introduction shit." She shifts, claws flexing, Jealousy gives her a harsh look with about half of her eyes. "Fine, damn." She scowls. "I'm Selfishness. Happy now, shrimp?"

"I'm Cruelty!" a loud voice pipes up, and the grey girl sees a couple of the others roll their eyes. "I look forward to making you cry," the girl laughs. This one is also on the smaller side, with flushed, dark grey skin, short, matted white hair, and a mouth that seems cut up to her ears. Her feet are hooves, and her mouth is full of wickedly sharp fangs. Her clothing is messy and hangs in rags, spattered with a disgusting mixture of dried and fresh blood, and more dribbles from her mouth with every word.

Cruelty gives a little wave, shifting on her hooves. She snickers again, loud and annoying when Jealousy hisses for her to behave. The look she gives the grey girl is downright predatory, like she's just waiting for a chance to get close enough to tear her apart.

Next, a girl in long, black robes steps forward. This one has a beautiful face, all porcelain skin, pink cheeks, and long lashes. Her hair is thick and dark, curling in towards her face in a neat bob. Her robes cover her whole body save her face, from a high collar to an ankle-length skirt and dark gloves that hide her hands. Her face is downright emotionless, like some kind of living doll, but her features are so pretty they almost seem unreal.

"Vanity," she says, red lips parting softly around the words. "How ugly a scene everyone is making... Don't become a part of it." The last words are spoken like a warning, a threat, her pale grey eyes narrowing with disdain.

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