Chapter 11-Sophie

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"Sophie! Dinner!" Edaline called.

"Coming!" I shouted back. I was dreading the conversation I would have to have with her and especially Grady. I had to tell them that Keefe and I were together, or Grady would loose his mind.

"Guys, I have to tell you something before you find out another way and Grady has a cow." They looked at me weirdly, and for a second I didn't know why, and then realised I used a human expression. I let out a giggle.

"What does that mean?" Grady asked still confused.

"It basically means if I don't tell you before you find out on your own, you'll freak out." I explained. "Not that you won't freak out anyways." I added. Edaline just squealed. Grady looked really confused as Edaline rushed over to hug me and give me a kiss on the cheek.

"MY LITTLE GIRL IS ALL GROWN UP!" The whole world might as well have heard.

"Mooooommm." I groaned.

"What. Is. Going. On." Grady, asked, even though it sounded more like a statement.

"Our beautiful, young, daughter, is ALL GROWN UP!" She squealed again.

"What?" Grady asked. Edaline ignored him and turned to me.

"Does Biana know? Della and I never have anything to talk about anymore. Oh, speaking of the Vackers, did you tell Fitz yet? He might not take it well considering......." She looked over at Grady, who looked like someone just woke him up from a dream world he was living in. 

"WHAT?!?!" Sandor rushed inside, Bo on his tail, to see why Grady was shouting.

"YOU'RE WITH KEEFE?!?!" I saw Sandor and Bo rush out before anyone could notice them. Too late.

"And you Sandor? You didn't tell me!" Grady calmed down a bit by then.

"Dad! Don't bring Sandor into this! It wasn't his decision." I explained. Grady just sighed and frowned.

"All right kiddo. Come give me a hug. I'm happy for you even if its that- err Keefe that you're dating." He hesitated, but still embraced me in the hug. I stepped back and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. I finished my dinner and went up to my room to find Biana's name flashing on my imparter. 


"SOIPHIEEEE!!!!!" She squealed.

"Yes?" I pormpted.

"YOU. ARE. SLEEPING. OVER." She demanded.

"Ummm, who's coming?" I asked. I knew Keefe wouldn't be there since he was on bed rest. I was happy we all finally got this break since the Neverseen had been lying low after what happened with Keefe. I guess his psycho Mom didn't even care what happened to him. 

"Well, considering you can't guess, it's a surprise!" She continued squealing.

"Ok. just let me ask my parents first."

"OK!" She says, as the screen went blank.


"OK HUN!" Edaline said. I quickly packed all the things I needed. My imparter screen flashed again, except it was Linh this time.

"Hey Sophie! Oh, Biana is calling me." She said.

"Hey Linh. You should talk to Biana first. Just trust me. Cya." I told her

"Bye." The imparter went blank again. I finished packing and went to the leapmaster. Instead of calling Everglen, I called for Foxfire. 


"Hey Foster." Keefe said. I was surprised that he didn't say a joke after.

"Hey Keefe. Is something wrong?" I asked. I couldn't help myself. I had to make sure.

"Ya. I just had to drink this reallyyyyyyyy bad elixir but it's ok because you're here and judging by the bag, I assume you're staying?" He said the last part as more of a question. 

"Actually, I came here to drop off some things before I went to Everglen. I'm staying the night there tonight. Although, I don't know who else is going to be there, but I assume Linh is, since Biana was calling her after she called me." I felt bad not staying with Keefe. Even though it had already been 2 days since he woke up, every second felt like a ticking time bomb, and I really didn't want to loose him now that I finally knew it was him I really loved all along. I froze. Keefe just looked at me curious.

"Woah there Foster, I'm getting emotion overload here!" He said waving his hand in the air like he always did. My smile was nervous. I wanted to tell him what I thought. I couldn't though. But wait, I loved Keefe Sencen. How did this happen. I put the sketchbook I bought him on the little table beside his cot, and I put a normal outfit, and a set of pj's on the foot of his bed. I gave him a hug before saying goodbye, then I leapt away. Biana was waiting at the gates with Tam, Linh, Fitz, Marella and Wylie. Marella and I hadn't talked for a while but we managed to work things out while Keefe was unconscious. I gave everyone a hug then I realised something.

"Ummm, guys? Where's Dex?"I asked.

"Oh, well he got caught up with the triplets, but when I offered to help, he just brushed off the offer and suggested we all do a get together. So then I called you first and screamed sleepover into your imparter." Biana wore a proud smile at the last part. Suddenly there was a twig snap behind them and everyone turned to find Dex. Biana walked over and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Dex went red. Tam, Fitz and Marella either rolled their eyes or made gagging noises, Linh just stared into Wylie's eyes, him staring right back, and I just gave them a big grin. We turned to walk back into the house. 

"This feels so weird without Keefe. I can't imagine what this sleepover will be like without him being here to complain about his hair." I said while we walked.

"I like to think my hair is worth complaining about, thank you very much." Someone teased from behind me. I turned around with the biggest grin ever.

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