Chapter 4

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Alicorn: umm shangri you can stop hugging me now

Shangri: ok

Alicorn: well I need go to my sub and sleep, and get well soon Essex, goodnight girls

Bunker/shangri/Essex: you too alicorn

Alicorn then leaves the hospital and go to his submarine

Alicorn: (mind) ok tomorrow I got a training and join fleet with Essex, this is cool, well I bet they gonna shocked to see my power

Alicorn accedenly hits a girl

???: Oh I'm sorry to hit you

Alicorn: it's fine I should be sorry to you to not look at walk, by the way who are you?

???: I'm I-25 the Sakura empire submarine and you must be mr.alicorn

Alicorn: yes and just drop the Mr just call me alicorn

I-25: ok if you want, I heard you gonna submarine training tommorow right?

Alicorn: yup, I'm really excited

I-25: also I hear your submarine is combine with aircraft carrier?

Alicorn: yes

I-25: how many aircrafts in your sub?

Alicorn: 30 planes

She was shocked to hear that

I-25: 30 aircraft?! Even my faction Sakura empire submarine carrier can hold 1-2 planes!

Alicorn: let's just say I'm from future with better design and technology

I-25: also I heard from Cleveland, that in your world you have spent 2 years at the bottom of the ocean without surfacing?!!

Alicorn: yup

Timeskip 5 minutes
Alicorn explain his story with I-25

Alicorn: and that's why it's happen

I-25: wow no submarine could hold pressure long to hold that!

Alicorn: my submarine is design to dive to deep place

I-25: ok I guess, well go to sleep you have training tomorrow

Alicorn: yeah goodnight I-25

I-25: you too alicorn

She leaves and alicorn is alone

Alicorn: woa it's 20:30 already better get to my sub quick

He then runs to his submarine

Timeskip 2 minutes
At alicorn sub

Alicorn: huh I should turn the alicorn 180°

Alicorn turn his sub 180°

Alicorn: yeah that's fine, I don't need to sail backward now, I think I'm gonna sleep later, I'm gonna watch the moon first

He watch the moon it was huge until someone approach alicorn

???: Hey alicorn what are you doing?, Shouldn't you sleep before gone into training

Alicorn turns around his head to see where the voice is from

Alicorn: shangri?

Shangri: yup it's me what are you doing? Shouldn't you sleep?

Alicorn: I'm just watching the moon first then I sleep

Shangri: can I sit next to you?

Alicorn: yes shangri I'm kinda alone here

Shangri: okay~

The Giant From The Depth Goes To Another World ( alicorn x azur lane)Where stories live. Discover now