04/21/2020 For Mr. F.

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Dear Future Husband,

Can you believe it? Seven years. It's been seven years, and still...

I couldn't find you.

In a span of seven years, I have sealed thirteen envelopes. I probably wrote almost or more than a hundred letters to you. Prayed more and more and some more, that the day would come that I'll receive a reply.

Seven years is not a joke. If I could patiently wait for you this long, I could probably be patient enough to handle your moods. Though there were plenty of times that I'd get impatient, something is telling me that I'd meet you somehow.

I hope that when we meet, everything will finally make sense. I hope I'd finally get an answer to the many why's, who's, when's and where's. I hope you'd get to answer the repeated questions that I have asked on my letters. I hope you are also patient enough to read each one. No matter how nonsense that letter may be. And I hope through these letters, our bond as a couple will be strengthened.

If it's too much to ask, but I would ask anyway, I hope you would write me letters too. On each and every day of our married life, please write me letters. Please make up for the seven years and more that you've kept me waiting.

I hope you are already reading this, my love. Take care always and please don't give me a headache.

I love you so much!

-Krizia @23

-Krizia @23

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