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Liam cried in grief when finding Bella were about to leave. Bella's body was stiff, but she still did not turn around. Instead, she accelerated her steps. Liam, who had been looked after by William, would soon forget that he was unhappy. She persuaded herself like this.

Looking at the back of Bella to leave indifferently, William was confused. "Did something happen when Miss Bella was here?" William asked. The nanny was a little surprised to see Bella want to leave. miss Bella likes Liam very much. How could she be hardhearted to disappoint Liam?

It was just that the nanny had thought about it for a moment and did not think of anything. So she said truthfully; "No, Miss Bella worked for a day and stayed in the room. Nothing happened!" William frowned. It was impossible! Bella would not do this without reason. 

"Please think about it, did Miss Bella hear anything or did she see anything?" William continued to ask, confirming that Bella would not become indifferent for no reason. The nanny frowned and suddenly patted her head as if she had thought of something. She said, "Miss Bella was still in a good mood when she entered. Later, it seemed that she had heard about what happened to Liam's mother, then the smile on her face faded." 

Hearing this, a surprise popped out in William's eyes. It turned out like this! Bella heard Liam's mother, so did she feel emotional? Then Bella was to be jealous? when he thought about this William's heart immediately filled with more joy. It seemed like he was in her heart too, so she became jealous and changed her mood.

The more he thought about it, the happier he was. "Mommy..." Liam yelled in a grievance, his face lost. William returned to his house and then said to Liam; "Baby, mommy will come tomorrow." Even though he wanted to chase her out now, he knew that this was an opportunity. he wanted to let Bella know that she had him in her heart.

But he held it back. This might be an opportunity to let Bella know what she wanted. Liam nodded, but in the end, he felt sad because Bella had left. "Baby, it is not after too long your mother will always be by our side." William continued, and his eyes were full of certainty. Bella walked outside the villa and looked back. She found that William had not caught up so that she felt frustrated.

It seemed like William was going to be with Liam's mother, so he wanted to keep a distance from her too, right? Yeah! if so, she would not have to hive from him. This was a good thing, but she was still a little sad. She thought a lot... William said; "Bella, I want you!" 

Every scene came to mind. When she wanted to end her life, he said that he wanted to avenge her. At that time, he approached her in the name of Mr. Steiner and said that his condition was only for her. When she found out that Mr. Steiner was William, she went to flee, but he chased to Hawaii, and even in order to protect her, he was alone fighting against pirates and injured. 

When she deliberately troubled him, he sweated coldly as he looked at the recipe and cooked it, which just aimed to satisfy her request. His overbearing, his gentleness, his favor... It was like playing a movie and had been taken root in her heart! But Liam's mother was back, so everything should be over. Bella covered her chest. Although she tried to put everything down, why did she feel so uncomfortable?

This is a villa area, so usually, there are private cars, but Bella had no car, so she called for a taxi to leave. The car had not come yet, so she waited at the door. The security guard at the door was still the same one in the morning. When he saw her, he was a little surprised, then his eyes were full of clearness, as well as his sympathy.

This kind of gaze made Bella tortured. In this security guard's eyes, she seemed to have become an abandoned woman. She stared back fiercely. When did she need people to sympathy? The security guard saw that Bella was full of fierceness and immediately turned his head away, but his gaze was disdainful. 

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