Chapter 8

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Students began pouring out of their classes. Ashley's biology class included, therefore the hallway was very chaotic which proved Ashley's efforts to look for Zel quite useless.

She waved in and out of the crowd looking for a head of platinum ash blonde but to no avail rather she found a head of dark brown silky hair with a bright smile walking towards her when she got to a clearer part of the hallway.

"What a surprise seeing you here." He said cheerfully

"Yeah it is really." Ashley replied.

"I hope you aren't running to anywhere today so we can actually talk."

"Of course Amir, you have math now right?"

"Actually yes, did you read my schedule?" He asked comedically

"No, how would I?" Ashly replied with a smile. "Guess the universe wants us to be in the same math class. So I hope you're good at it." Ashley added sneakily

"I think so. Hopefully I will be able to be of help." He said

"Sure. So, do you know where a girl of my kind can get food during break time?" Ashley asked.

"Actually, I do."

"Amazing," Ashley replied. "You'll take me right?" Ashley said as she batted her eyelashes comedically with much over exaggeration.

"Now how could I say no to that face?" Amir replied and Ashley laughed.

Math class was well, math class. As usual, Ashley didn't get a thing. All that was in her brain was static when the teacher started introducing the new topic. He was aiming to use as little time as possible to explain as much work as he could.

Everyone else seemed to understand, at least they didn't look as confused as she did.

To make it even worse, they got homework.


"You looked like you liked the way class was going." Amir joked as they walked outside the school gates.

"Very funny Amir," Ashley replied. "I don't know but math never gets in, I really don't get how you guys do it."

"Have you ever tried practicing?"

"Well, no."

"Then maybe you should try."

"I'll think about it, when I'm in the mood I guess." Ashley replied. " So we're here?"

"Yep, this is where I go sometimes. They've got really good pastries and all those normal stuff you get in a café."

"Quinn's." Ashley read and instantly she got flashbacks of Ellis; the very large shop, She could also see flashes of Ellis the strange woman in different plastic smiling expressions and now she could smell the vague scent of cinnamon.

"You alright?" Amir asked.

"Oh yeah I am, let's go in." Ashley said and walked in quickly, trying to shrug off the now overpowering smell of cinnamon.

"You spaced out for a while back outside."

"I did? Sorry about that. I didn't notice though."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, let's eat."

"Okay then," Amir replied, he looked unsure at Ashley's answer as she spaced out for a long while and didn't respond when he called her name several times. People do that anyway, maybe it was no big deal then.

"This place is famous for their croissants. They are amazingly good, trust me." Amir said with awe in his eyes as he talked about the pastry. He must really like them.

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