You Have Heterochromia (two different eye colours)

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A little heads up! I've rearranged the characters in a way that makes a little more sense to me and I've added a few characters (the women), please enjoy!


When he first meets you, Arthur just tries not to stare. You're eyes are pretty, he can't help that. He just wants to look at them for a while but he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or embarrass himself, so he manages to tear his gaze away. Once you have known each other for longer and become closer, he feels he can be a little less subtle about looking at your eyes but would still blush is you caught him or mentioned it. He suddenly wishes that he had more than a pencil to sketch with, now he wanted to work with colours so that he could sketch your eyes and attempt to do them justice.


It's definitely your eyes that make Dutch interested in you at first. They are unique and beautiful, you have his interest. Then he gets to know you and falls for you, everything that is you. He's honest about his fondness for your eyes. Once you've joined the gang and have made yourself at home in the camp, he'll start trying to get closer to you. He compliments your eyes and gives you a charming smile. Once you've known each other for a little while and you've gotten closer, he'll honestly ask about your eyes. When you tell him that they've just been like that since you were born, he nods and reiterates how beautiful he thinks that are.


Hosea doesn't comment on it at all at first, he doesn't want to accidentally be rude. But once you've been with the gang for a little while and you've become more comfortable around each other, he asks. He's polite, just curious. He's met a lot of different people but never somebody with eyes as unique as yours. He relaxes when you just laugh and tell him that it's fine, he can ask whatever he likes. You just have different coloured eyes, that's it really. Been like that all your life, it doesn't bother you at all. He'll probably make a casual compliment, not wanting to make you uncomfortable but hoping that you never feel insecure about them because he really does think that they are beautiful, even if it's simply for their uniqueness.


Micah didn't even notice at first, you were new to the gang and he didn't pay much attention to you at all. You had bumped into him, looked at him and apologised. Micah was about to snap back with something less than polite but your eyes caught him off guard. He thought he was seeing things at first. He doesn't comment on them until you get closer. He might have made some comments once or twice to try to get under your skin but that was about it. And then you became friends so those stopped all together. Once you were close enough for him to feel comfortable with you, he'd genuinely ask about your eyes. It will take a very long time for him to admit that he likes your eyes, that's just too sappy for him.


Charles is usually pretty quiet but observant, so he certainly noticed your eyes but he didn't comment on them. Even if he wanted to, it wasn't his place so he just treated you how he usually would without mentioning your eyes. It wasn't difficult even though some people seemed to get distracted by them. Once you two have become close friends, he might ask about your eyes and just nod when you tell him that they have always been that way. He thinks your eyes are absolutely beautiful, so unique and so you. He is extremely fond of them and once you're together, he will let you know it all the time.


Javier is completely entranced by your eyes, he thinks that they are absolutely beautiful and will tell you. Obviously, he won't just complimented you when he first meets you, he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. But once you've settled into the gang and you have become better acquainted with him, even become friends, he'd compliment your eyes. They are definitely his favourite feature of yours and as you become closer, he makes sure to let you know that.

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