eleven - no place on earth

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I stood off to the side in the tribal council room next to Shuri. I don't know why I was invited too. I'm never involved in these. Maybe because the guy is from America?

"Is this man Wakandan or not?" The river tribe elder spoke in xhosa. I'm getting good at understanding it all, I study it in my free time.

"Tell us what is going on!" another elder said.

The doors opened and there stood Eric. I tensed up, he looks like he's exactly where he wants to be. I glanced at T'challa who lifted his head.

W'kabi escorted Eric to the middle where the council surrounded him.

"Speak." T'challa said in xhosa.

"Speak" W'kabi translated it for Eric.

"I'm standing in your house. Serving justice to a man who stole your vibranium and murdered your people...justice your King couldn't deliver." He spoke with hatred.

I inhaled as T'challa stood up and walked right up into Eric's face. The dora all moved to stand behind him.

"I don't care that you brought Klaue, the only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know who you are...now what do you want?" He spoke softly with intimidation.

I put my hands behind my back and wait for what he was gonna say.

"I want the throne." He lifted his head to motioned towards it. I scoffed and looked at Shuri.

The entire room laughed and scoffed at him. "My goodness." one of the elders said.

"Y'all sittin' up here comfortable. Must feel good. There's about 2 billion people all over the world that looks like us but their lives are a lot harder, Wakanda has the tools to liberate them all." He spoke, looking around the room.

"And what tools are those?" T'challa never took his eyes off Eric.

"Vibranium. Your weapons." He replied.

"Our weapons will not be used to wage war on the world. It is not our way to be judge jury and executioner for people who are not our own." T'challa explained.

Eric has a point, kind of. The world would definitely be different if Wakanda stepped in when there was wars. Many outcomes would have changed. But like he said, It's not Wakanda's job to fix it all.

"Not your own? But didn't life start here, on this continent? So ain't all people your people?" He started getting more annoyed at T'challa clearly.

"I am not King of all people. I am King of Wakanda. And it is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe and that vibranium does not fall into the hands of a person like you." T'challa and Eric were having stare down at this point. The tension in the room kept growing and growing.

I crossed my arms, this is starting to bore me. Eric is insane, smart but insane.

The elders murmured at Eric's disrespect and Ramona suddenly spoke "Son, we have entertained this charlatan for too long. Reject his request."

"Oh, I ain't requesting nothing! Ask who I am." He looked over at the Queen mother.

"You are Eric Stevens. An American black operative. A mercenary nicknamed Killmonger. That's who you are." Shuri stepped up, I looked over at her and touched her shoulder.

T'challa clearly is hiding something, I can tell by how he's responding and wanting this to be over.

"That's not my name, Princess. Ask me, King?" Eric looked back at T'challa.

"No." T'challa turned away.

"Ask me." He said again.

T'challa lifted his hand. "Take him away."

Time After Time | H. Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now