4: Reunion

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  Before I could react, Harry wrapped his arms around me in a bone crushing hug. It knocked the wind out of me, and I could feel the eyes of the highschool worker girl trained on us. Harry held me like that for a long time, and when he finally let go I could see that his smile was anything but forced. He truly missed me. He looked just like he did back in 2010; only this time he was bigger and his curls weren't as tight.

  "I thought you were a goner." He said. I laughed.

  "Me too." I agreed. "But here I am. I never thought I'd see you." I admitted. He blushed a bit but nobody was watching us anymore. Tiffany and Niall were having their own little reunion, and he was feeding her her icecream as they laughed about something I couldn't hear.

  "I didn't think I'd see you either." He said, serious now. "What did they do to you?" His face was full of concern, but I didn't want to talk about it right now and ruin such a moment. "Nevermind. You just look so skinny. Too skinny." He commented, his arms lingering around my waist, but not trying to be flirty at all.

  "Yeah," I answered quickly. "But we've got an audience." I said, nodding my head to the girl behind the counter glaring at us. "And it doesn't bother me to say it, but I don't want to ruin a good moment too." He nodded with understanding, and I could see Tiff was watching us from out of the corner of her eye with a giant smile spread across her face. When she made me gaze she waved excitedly as Niall leaned in and kissed her cheek. Harry caught that too, and when he turned back to me there was an awkward pause where both of us were just standing there.

  Soon though, he wrapped his arms around me in another big hug, lifting me off of the ground. By now the highschooler girl had gone to the back room to get away from all of the reunions taking place in this little cheesy icecream shop. I had almost forgotten about my icecream, which I wasn't sure was even icecream because the only thing I saw in the bowl were gummy worms and sour patch kids.

  "Me and Niall snuck out here to find you. Turns out you're already friends with his girlfriend." He chuckled, nodding his head in Tiff and Niall's direction.

  "Wait, snuck out? Who are you hiding from?" I asked. He jammed his hands into his pockets and bit his lip, which I'll admit was a little cute.

  "Our management. They didn't want me to find you for some reason." He said reluctantly. "But since Nialler and I are such rebels, we flew out here and are staying here for two days until the concert. I thought you and me could do some catching up."

  I smiled and nodded quickly when Tiff walked up behind me, slinging her free arm (her other hand was intertwined with Niall's) around me. She probably knew who I was already from the interview that I had found this morning before going out for icecream about Harry's confession. It was sweet and hearbreaking at the same moment, seeing how pained his face was. Harry and I were really good friends and if he left without saying goodbye, nontheless abducted...

  "Sounds good." Tiff said. "We all can meet up for dinner at La Casina. It's a Mexican resturant with really good appetizers, and I know someone who can get us a discount." I smiled. Not only was Tiff a good Starbucks-and-clothes-giving friend, but she also knew how to get us good prices. I nodded before catching Niall eating my icecream from out of the corner of my eye.

  Or whatever you'd call that stuff floating around in that cup.

  "I don't know my way around here." I said, turning to Harry. "And since you're apparently famous and probably don't come here often, I'm guessing you don't either." I placed my hands on my hips, and I could feel my bones easily. When I was at the hospital the doctor gave me a pill that would make me eat more so I could gain weight, because the scale apparently said it was dangerously low. When I looked in the mirror I could slightly tell, but he said that it was still important I take it. I reached into my pocket to make sure that I had it. He told me to take it every time I ate, which I already knew was going to get on my last nerve easily. I wonder what Harry would say.

  "I'm not usually here, but we can look around." Harry finally said. Tiff gave me her phone number in case we were lost, and she whispered in my ear 'You two have fun' in I guess what was supposed to be assumed as in a romantic way, but I could reassure anyone that Harry and I didn't think of eachother that way before, and we sure didn't think that way of eachother now. The only reason he was hugging me was because I was the poor little abducted girl.

  Harry and I set off into unknown territory, and a few people stopped by us to talk to Harry. The wind was strong which made me extremely cold; I'd found that because I had lost over thirty pounds that it makes me colder, and I shivered as he tried to get rid of the girls in a polite manner.

  "I'm sorry." He apologized for the third time as we turned around a street corner of yet another small shops and resturants that didn't interest us. I shrugged. "I'm just so glad you're back, Darcy. I wished that I didn't have to record and could just spend a month here."

  "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Styles. I mean, you've got to keep up with all of these girls. What would they say if you ditched them for someone who's never even heard your music?" I said sarcastically. He smiled crookedly, only one dimple popping out. I laughed, crossing my arms over eachother so that I could keep somewhat warm.

  "Ooh, there's KFC. Lets go in and get some chicken wings." Harry suggested. I didn't protest, because if I stayed outside any longer I'd get frostbite, and I didn't have a problem with wings. As we walked up to the building a few girls let out shrieks, and one girl ran up and gave him a hug. He said a quickly hello and pushed through the crowd, holding the door open for me. Some girl shouted 'lucky!' in our direction and I chuckled.

  When we went to go stand in line, the whole crowd grinned a little too broadly and simultaniously all stepped aside to clear a way for the royal Harry of One Direction. I didn't understand this at all, because it wasn't like Harry was going to give them all a million dollars or even an autograph. Instead, he just smiled and said thank you's as we approached the older man at the cash register and he ordered a large bucket of mild wings. I swear they came in ten seconds, they all sped around to make sure that the great Harry wasn't kept waiting.

  When we finally sat down, the people who had paid great attention to us got bored and carried on witht heir normal lives, and we culd finally sit down and actually talk. Harry smiled apologetically as he stuck the straw in his soda and picked out a wing of chicken.

  "So tell me, Darcy? What they did to you, I mean?" Harry asked. His eyes were so filled with concern and anticipation now. I didn't really mind reliving the past two years. It wasn't a hard subject to talk about, really, and I wasn't filled with a sense of depression once I talked about it. Actually, the most I've felt is anger at my captors for taking away two whole years of my life.

  "Yeah. They, uh, locked me in their basement. That's all they did, really. I was just stuck down there, they didn't hurt me or anything. But there were rats in the basement, so the whole place smelled. But honestly, it could have been way worse."

  "Darcy..." He began, his face seeming almost angry. I put up my hands, the grease on my fingers glistening under the bright lights.

  "Harry, I got out and I'm okay." I said flatly. He didn't say anything else, just looked at his food as he probably thought everything I'd just told him through. I bit my lip.

  "Why you have to take this?" Harry said, gesturing to the pill that I'd forgotten to take on my napkin.

  "Just to help me gain more weight." I said. I instantly felt self~consious about the way I looked right now. Was I really that skinny? Did I really looked maybe anorexic? What did other people think of me the first time they saw me? I knew for a fact that I didn't look that skinny. I was surprised even Harry pointed it out.

  "You act so normal about it all." He mused. I shrugged.

  "It's been my normal for the past two years."

  The rest of our meal we talked about more pleasant things, his band, their new album, his friend Louis who once took off his pants in front of the class, and things were back to normal.

  But how would I know what normal even was? Because in all honesty, my life was never going to be normal again from being kidnapped, and being the best friend of Harry Styles.

 Question: Is this story too similar to TAS, a little, or not at all?

  And THANK YOU for all of the comments and votes! c:


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