For Better Visualization :)

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Hello, my beautiful angels and welcome to this story.

Since this fanfiction is fantasy based and a lot of things are going to be stuff that doesn't exist in this world or just outright weird. You better read the upcoming stuff because it'll help you a lot in imaging the scenes and getting the vibe I'm trying to portray for this story.

I wanted to show you the land of Majestia just so you can have a better understanding of this mystic and magical land from my imagination. If you want to properly picture a landscape or setting just come on right here before reading the chapter.

First off, where our main characters are going to be based for more than half of this story in MAJESTIC ACADEMY.

In the land of Majestia, there are a total of four main schools. We will discuss and see all four schools here as they come in handy later on. The most prestigious and number one school for majestians is of course Majestic Academy.

Majestic Academy is not technically one building with classes, it's a whole ass property. It has dormitories and buildings for every class as well as forests, gardens and waterfalls. In total there are five classes you can be categorised in.

Class J - for the toddlers, kids and students who haven't discovered their powers yet or are too young for school. A nursery you could say.

Class D - for tweens and kids who have just started learning about their abilities and powers.

Class C - for teenagers who have yet to learn a lot.

(The most important 👇👇)

Class B - the highest rank you can achieve. Many students reside in this rank and can control their powers to a great extend.

And finally,

Class A - for double holders. Double holders are the rare species that hold more than one power. They have a difficult time controlling them and can be considered very dangerous if not monitored. Since they have a completely different way of working their powers, teachers felt the need to separate them from the rest.

There aren't many A-Class students in Majestia, so Rank B & A take their classes together for better efficiency.

Each Rank has its buildings with dorms and classes. Class A has Building A (usually just dormitories since they take a class with Class B). Class B has Building B, Class J has Building J and so on.

Here are what I imagine the numerous buildings to look like!


Building A √

Building A √

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