32. A Whole Circus

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"So he's still not talkin' to ya?" Jimin completed pouring the first cup of tea and handed to Jungkook who was sitting on the shelf of the office pantry.

"Honestly at this point I want him to not talk to me." Jungkook sipped his tea and rubbed his temple with the other hand muttering 'good tea'.

"Why?" the shorter one chuckled.

"Because he's made his life motto to spite me. Apparently it's my fault I didn't lie to the annoying kid who kept asking questions!"

"What kind of questions exactly?"

"He kept pronouncing popcorn as cockporn and kept asking me if I wanted to eat his cockporn so I said he's not supposed to say that and he's like 'wHy NoT' so I told him exactly what that means!" he scrunched his nose.

"No you did not!!" Jimin laughed throwing his head back, eyes disappearing in the process.

"That fucker kept saying hammer-boy is better than Iron Man!" suddenly Jimin stopped laughing and scowled at him.

"Should've told him Santa's not real. That'd give him real trauma." he gritted out and turned to follow the other into his new office with his own cup in hand. "But what exactly is your future-husband doing to spite you?"

"Oh you wanna know that? Hmm where do I start?" he tapped his finger on his chin and dramatically acted to think deeply. "Let's start with the smallest detail. HE BOUGHT A PEACOCK!"

Jimin spit out his tea coughing after "I'm sorry a what? I think I misheard!"

"Nope. You heard that right. A FULL GROWN, ADULT, HORNY, READY TO MATE- PEACOCK in our apartment building."

"Oookkaayyy but how can you say it's about you. He could've just wanted himself a... Peacock?" jimin frowned at his own statement.

"Oh yeah? I'll tell you how I can say that." Jungkook stood seething towards the other. "Because he had him trained that I'm the one he's supposed to mate with. I'm the peahen of his dreams!"

Jimin spit his tea again and dropped from the chair laughing. "I-I'm.. I'm sorry? Is that even possible? I think I misheard a-again!" he stuttered between fits of laughter.

"Nope. Right again. And wanna know more?"

"Please! I wanna know everything!"

"So the peacock gets it's boner in like 0.05 seconds if he hears 'Trrr- Trrr' and you know what my dear best friend turned boyfriend does about it?"

"No but I'm dying to know!" Jimin chirped with little claps, tea now forgotten because he's getting a better tea.

"He's like the horny peacock too but only more evil. So he we have sex and he cums first, blocks me from cuming and then runs to bathroom, leaving blue-fucking-balled, after shouting a Trrr-Trrr!" he shudders as if traumatized.

"Then I'm being chased by a bird that spreads its tail, which by the way is the size of our entire room, at the mere site of me and I'm fucking running around to save myself from being impregnated... NAKED!!!"

Jimin almost died from laughing too much. "Holy fuck that's a lot of punishment for merely not lying to a child"

"Yeah... About that.."

"What am I missing?"

"He got thrown off of the project he was called for and also his chance for a raise."

"Well, I hope you conceive soon then." Jimin tsked.
"But you better make him cool down if you want to execute this weekend's plan." he gets up to leave, still laughing. "And remind to never get on Taehyung's bad side!"

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