Ark 2 - The Male Lead will always be charmed by the Protagonist

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Thanks to the fact that Shu Ning took down a huge amount of Sphinx the previous day and confused the rest of the still living monsters on Samadon, the following parts of the war were way more comfortable to fight. 

Less and less soldiers got injured or even killed from the sharp claws of the creatures and more and more strength and faith returned to the human participants of this war.

Especially General Sun stood elegantly with his military uniform on the battlefield while slaying the Sphinx left and right and bathing in their disgusting blood. It was an amazing sight to behold to see such a handsome and refined man powerfully march over the wide field, wielding his sword to dispose of every obstacle in his way. So much so, that many of the other soldiers and even Zhou Feng couldn't help but glancing at him from time to time.

In the few days that the third army needed to reduce the Sphinx population to an acceptable number, Shu Ning and a few of his comrades had taken the blue moon on orders of the Captain to a hidden place further into the planet. It was discussed before that the stone would stay on Samadon for now and some of the researchers on their home planet could investigate about it in detail. Only after making sure the Stone was safe, would it be brought back to the base for further research.

Bringing the stone into the depths of the monsters home posed to be quite the difficulty though as Shu Ning couldn't use any more of the Systems props for a while, but after struggling for ten days in the 'tigers den', the small team finally made it back to their camp again and the entire third army could at last board the spaceship to return.

The rooms inside of the transport were very big and comfortable so that all of the dead tired soldiers just dropped down onto the soft cushions of their beds and fell asleep right away. Only Shu Ning, Zhou Feng and Sun Zhilong stayed awake during the entire travel time because of different reasons.

Zhou Feng was taking a comfortable bubble bath inside of her own single room that she snatched as soon as she boarded the ship while thinking of a way to secretly get rid of Yang Quan and get her hands on the General. But during the entire second half of the war the man either completely ignored her efforts or just coldly stared at her without any reason, so she could only angrily gnash her teeth at those memories and focus more on planning Yang Quan's downfall. 

At Sun Zhilongs side there was still something else he needed to attend to before succumbing to the comfort of sleep himself. The interface of the light brain that he had just opened up blinked slightly while working overdrive on his request before making way to a middle aged wrinkled face that momentarily scowled in displeasure when he saw who was at the other side of the call. A beat of silence passed between the two high ranking Soldiers as they just stared at each other, swirling with dark thoughts of the other. But before long Sun Zhilong was snapped out of his reverie by the loud scolding of the other that would definitely last a while and that he already knew would be coming in no time.

And while all the rest of the lower ranking soldiers relaxed inside of their shared rooms and used the few hours that they had left to forget about their previous anxieties and stress, Shu Ning just dropped down on to a small armchair in the corner of his own single room that he go dragged into by another companion and stared blankly ahead as he conversed with his system about the happenings of the war and some other irrelevant things. Shu Ning just couldn't rest after all that happened. Too many thoughts about the scheming Female Lead and the strange light he saw in the Generals eyes were swirling inside of his head. Thanks to the calm and innocent voice of his System though, Shu Ning could slowly feel his confusing thoughts stopp and his body relax into the soft cushions of the chair in this unfamiliar place and yet unfamiliar world.

After another six hours of travelling through the dark expanse of the universe, the airship finally landed at the docs of the military base. Two rows of bulky men with the same uniform as their own stood readily on the metal bridge of the platform to await their arrival. So as soon as the heavy door of their transport opened to reveal the men's stock stiff posture, the loud welcoming and congratulations of the other teams accompanied Sun Zhilong and his entire group while they all proudly walked past the celebrating soldiers as they made their way inside of the building.

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