**whats happening next?**

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I been looking through the comments and I was thinking to myself... so I'm gonna ask is one simple question:

Hayden or Amelia?

Okay... So... If your guess was "OMG BITCH U MAKIN A SEQUEL".... yes, I am...

Not like I have anything better to do with this quarantine going on so WHOOP WHOOP-

anyway just choose a sibling and I'll start a description lmao. It won't be coming out until I finish HIS PRINCESA so give me some time to get the book together. Hopefully I have that book done by mid-May so I can start it and also start working on my new book 'Ecstasy'

so yeah that was all I wanted to tell you, my babies🥺

I will see you in the next book, nugglets!

Yours Truly,
Queen Nugglet

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