Episode 18: Who To Trust

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"Pass the pasta," Britta said. "And another piece of that homemade bread. Martin, I have no idea where you find the time."

Martin smiled and passed a bowl of handmade pasta to Britta.

"When you're retired, you will understand," he said. "It's been a challenge to keep my mind and hands occupied since I left my position with the coven."

"Well, I don't ever plan on retiring, thank you very much," Gowan said as he stood and reached all the way over the table to load his plate with ham from the serving tray. "I still don't understand why you gave it up."

Martin didn't say a word. He simply took a sip of his pinot noir.

"He'll never tell us," Asher said with a sigh. "I've been trying to get it out of him for a while now. But we all know Martin. A man of many secrets."

I leaned back in my chair, almost too tired to eat, but so happy at the same time.

It was such a strange thing to feel so many conflicting emotions all at once. I was terrified for what might happen tomorrow and what I might have to face. Would we all survive? Would I have to fight?

But I was also sad for my new friend and the other girls whose lives were on the line. They had to be so scared. Did they know what was about to happen? Had Algrath prepared them in some way for the ritual? What conditions were they being held in?

At the same time, I was also angry at the Council for not stepping up and taking care of this a long time ago. This was their main job, and it shouldn't have taken a group of Slayers going rogue to come deal with this demon.

Finally, though, as strange as it seemed, I was also happy and grateful. Watching Slayers my parents had cared about so much, who had been part of my life for as long as I could remember, sharing stories around this cozy table made me feel warm inside.

Martin had kept me alive through my grief this past summer, but I'd also spent a lot of lonely nights crying and wondering what would become of my life now without them.

Tonight, though, I felt whole again, despite my fear.

It felt like together, we could take on anything.

"What do you say, Lenny?" Gianna asked.

I hadn't been listening, and I blushed.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

Asher smiled. "See, I told you she was zoning out. You exhausted her."

"I was just asking whether you wanted to head back out to the clearing at first light for a little more training," she said. "I feel like we made really good progress today, but there's a lot more we could do with a few hours tomorrow."

I groaned. Everything ached. But I needed this. We had no idea what we might be facing tomorrow.

"I'm up for it," I said. "I just might need an extra cup of coffee first thing."

Martin nodded. "Of course," he said. "But for now, maybe it's time for you to rest, dear girl. I have left some healing balm in your bathroom for what's left of those burns. It should also help with your sore muscles."

"But there's still so much to do," I said, barely able to stifle a yawn. "We need to make potions and discuss strategy. We still haven't even found Algrath. We're running out of time."

"That's why we're here," Britta said. "Get some rest. You've been through a lot in the past few days."

I shook my head. Days? Had it really only been a handful of days since I first started at Newcastle High? It felt as though I'd stepped into some kind of time warp.

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