chapter nine

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The pair were now on the ferris wheel. Yeah-Yeah still had a nervous look on his face. He was sitting next to Morgan and gripping on the handle bar infront of him.

Morgan noticed how tense he was and placed her pale hand ontop of his. Yeah-Yeah glanced between their intertwined hands and her face. Yeah felt his shoulders relax and kept her hand in his.

His body relaxed and Morgan leaned her shoulder onto his

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His body relaxed and Morgan leaned her shoulder onto his. Her small frame looking at the gorgeous sunset in front of them. The ride went around twice and had stopped with them at the very top.

Yeah-Yeah's body tensed once again as he accidentally looked over the rails. Morgan glanced at him worriedly.

"Look at me," the strawberry blonde said holding his hand even tighter. "It's okay." he still didn't move.

The young boy soon began to hyperventilate this striking fear in the girl. She had panic attacks after her mom died and even before that. Her mom was always there for her each and every time.

Lorianne taught the her daughter a way to help her breathe when they began. Incase if they happened while she was away.

What are five things you can see.

"Yeah-Yeah," he slowly turned to look at her. "What are five things you can see?" she asked.

"I-uh-I don't know!" he spat out still hyperventilating.

"Just answer the question!" she said grabbing onto his other hand.

"Um-the sunset, t-the bar handle, the carousel, your eyes, and my shoes".

Four things you can touch.

"What are four things you can touch?"

"Your h-hand, m-m-my hair, the seat, a-and my shirt" the boy sputtered out looking at the girl as if she were crazy.

Three things you can hear.

"Three things you can hear."

"Laughter, p-people talking, and your voice." his chest started to stop heaving as much.

Two things you can smell.

"Two things you can smell." Morgan realized he began to calm down at this time but still kept going.

"The popcorn and vanilla, your perfume" he stated with a blush forming on their faces.

One thing you can taste.

"One thing you can taste." Morgan stared into his beautiful green eyes as they stared back into hers.

"Your lips," he stated and gently holding her face in his hands and kissed her.

strawberry blonde ° alan "yeah-yeah" mcclennanWhere stories live. Discover now