Chapter 39

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Aimi's POV

"Your final exam scores should be posted. Those of you with failing scores, in any subject, will be taking make-up exams on Sunday." The homeroom teacher said, causing most of the students to let out an unsatisfied groan. "I don't want to hear it. You should be grateful to your teachers for this second chance. They're all giving up their weekend's to help you."

Arisa leaned back in her chair, placing her hands behind her head, as she said, "Tell them. You don't want to do make-ups, then don't fail in the first place, jerks." Arisa then glanced over at Tohru and I, and continued. "But I'm sure you two passed everything, right Aimi, Tohru?"

A dark aura surrounded Tohru as she buried her face in her hands in shame. I felt like I had failed her, did I not help her study enough? Maybe it's because my brain's been a bit fuzzy lately, and I don't know why. I also hadn't done as well as I thought I would on the exams, only barely passing a few of them. I usually placed high in the class, but here my scores were, and I ranked really low.

Arisa got out of her seat and walked over to Tohru, and said, "Tohru, you don't look so good. Well let's hear it, did you fail?" Tohru simply nodded in response. "How many?" Tohru then held up a single finger, prompting Arisa to say, in an encouraging tone. "Okay, that's not too bad then. One subject's nothing to stress over."

Saki also came over, and she put her hand on Tohru's shoulder, trying to comfort her. Saki said to my elder sister, "Indeed. Don't take it to heart. And if it helps, you scored wonderfully compared to me. I failed them all."

"If anyone's going to be depressed, it's outta be you. You haven't failed any exams before this, have you? No tutoring sessions with Aimi or the Prince this time around?" Arisa said.

"Actually Aimi did help me study. She poured her heart and soul into tutoring me." Tohru said sadly, speaking to Saki and Arisa. "And when Aimi couldn't, she got Yuki to tutor me."

I got up from my seat, and placed a comforting hand on my sister's shoulder, with a sad smile on my face. I had already written down what I was going to show her, and grabbed my notebook, and put it on her desk to see. Written there was, 'I'm sorry, Tohru. I was the one who failed you, I barely passed myself. It's my fault you failed, my head's been hurting a bit lately.'

Tohru smiled back up at me, and said, "Aimi, it's okay. It's my fault, not yours. You did your best, and if your head's been hurting, that's not your fault either."

"Miss Aimi, how did you do?" Yuki said, coming up to me with a cheerful smile. Quickly, i grabbed the sheet with my test scores, and hid them in my embarrassment. I couldn't even meet his gaze either. Him and Kyo both studied with me, and I didn't think I studied any less than I did for every other test. In fact, I think I studied more for these exams than any other test in the past, and yet, my scores were below my average, barely skimming by.

"Don't worry, Miss Aimi, even if you didn't do so good, you shouldn't let it get to you too much. Everybody has bad days. And the important thing is that you passed." Yuki said, placing a comforting hand on my head.

I nodded, grabbing my notebook, and writing, 'I'm worried about Tohru too though. She failed one, and how am I supposed to tutor her if I could barely pass.' I showed him the text, as I looked up at him.

Yuki read the text, before saying, "I'll tutor her again, and ensure she passes with flying colors."

'Thank you.' I wrote, showing it to him quickly.

Once school was over, Tohru, Kyo, and I were walking home together. While walking, I couldn't help but to feel dizzy. And the dizziness only continued on, as we moved further towards the house. I felt like my head was spinning, and I couldn't make out the words Tohru and Kyo were saying to each other. I felt, so tired. Unfortunately for me, I passed out, landing on the ground with a small thud.

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