Part 7: Song Hye-kyo Noona

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Tine POV

I went home for quiet late.

I just entered my room after I took a bath. I laid myself on the bed. Finally, I could reach my favorite place. Then, I recalled that I passed the first evaluation in Music Club. So, I am still a member. I am so proud with myself although I need to wipe my sweat harder than before as I had to face Saraleo. He was so frightening when he was upset, but frankly, I need to be grateful for him as literally he saved me.

Actually, I was a bit worried when he was in the restaurant for dinner. I could imagine how weird his expression when he met Jae Tun. It must be really quiet, closed his lips tightly, sharp eyes and death glare. He must be a perfect grim reaper.

Yeah, a grim reaper who are addicted with cleanliness. I smiled by myself when I imagined about that. I want to mock at him about that, actually. But, I didn't dare at all. His wide eyes could cut my neck down without moving when I made mistake.

I need to remind my mouth not to talk about that in any situation as Sarawat is cruel. If he felt threatened, then he will be so cruel. So that, I became so worried about that.

Not about Sarawat, but about Jae Tun.

Is she safe? Is she still alive?

Oh God.

What am I thinking about?

It was just a flying idea.

Who care about her?

As long as I passed the first evaluation, everything will be okay. I still can learn about guitar, free. I smiled again by myself. I am so proud with myself.

Then, I checked my phone. I kissed my phone.

Finally, we meet again. After you are kidnapped by that jerk, Saraleo. I hope that you are still okay, my lovely old phone. I kissed that, again. My precious asset.

I checked my Instagram, but it was logged out.

Actually, I never log my IG out as my memory is suck. So, it must be automatically login when I pushed my account. But, seems that was different. My login asked me to enter the password.


I forgot my password.

I tried to remember about that. Then, tried for several times. No result. I couldn't get my password.


So that, I check my Facebook. It was same, logged out. And I couldn't remember my own password.

I took water. I need to be calm. Possibly that I can remember my password.

Then, I tried again.

Always failed.

"Did I change my password?", I asked to my phone.

For sure not.



I recalled it. Possibly that Saraleo has changed that. If that is true, then bastard must be really crazy. He was a cold blood killer. I hate him. But, I recalled about another thing.

When I changed the password, then there would be notification to my email. I smiled at myself. I was so wonderful. I checked my email.

Then, it was also logged out.

Saraleo. You did it well, bastard. I will make you as a death meat.

So, I surrender as it has been late night. Moreover, I didn't have his number.

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