23 || How Curious

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I can be rotten
I can be cruel
Might act a fool
But never forgotten


"You're absolutely insane, you know that." 

"Maybe. But if I wasn't insane your ass would be chained down to a chair back at the hotel right now. So be grateful." 

How we got to this point exactly is still puzzling. A few hours ago we were enjoying a Super X-Game-version of baseball with the Cullens then the next we were traveling to an entirely different state trying to run from a psychotic, blood-crazed, relic that wanted to murder my sister and her frantic boyfriend. 

Not like I can say my mate was any better. When we were at the house he barely left my side, even for a second. Carlisle had to forcibly lead him away so they could discuss the grand plan of attack. At first, Edward suggested we all just disappear entirely - move to some foreign country so that James could never catch us. 

Jasper advised against it. He was certain that someone of complete focus like James would not be deterred from the hunt just because of some air traveling. Plus, he and Rose agreed they'd feel better knowing his head was separated from his body. It was voted by the majority that some of the Cullens would lead James astray with our scent while Alice and Jasper snuck me and my twin in the opposite direction. 

Alice's gift would be useful in case James caught on. Jasper's experience with ruthless killers would be the last line of defense. He also refused to leave my side even for a moment. I wouldn't have had it any other way. But now, I was sort of regretting having him here with us at the hotel. 

Shortly after we had arrived Alice had a vision. She drew out an eerily familiar image. "That's our old ballet studio," I muttered, growing sick at the realization that James was coming for us. He knew where we were. He knew where we'd been. 

Bella had run into our separate room to literally release the contents in her stomach. 

"We need to leave. Get ready to go as soon as possible." Alice headed down first in a flurry. Jasper grasped me by both arms, looking me straight in the eyes. "Everything is going to be okay. I'm not going to let him hurt you." 

I took his hands into mine. "I know you'll protect me." 

He gave me a strained smile, leaning forward to press a loving kiss to my forehead before falling Alice down the hallway. I stood in the middle of the small living area trying to process my thoughts. James found us out quick, but him making his next move came even quicker. 

And that's where we are now. 

Bella, on the verge of tears, her cellphone clutched tightly in her hand, as she told me that our mother was in danger. James was at the ballet studio with her as his hostage. If we didn't show up alone he'd torture her slowly before finally draining every last drop of blood from her body. Bella swore she heard her voice on the other end. 

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