Earth Mode ON: TWENTY

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Misery. Never heard of her, at least not after I found him again. The picture of his hurt, bleeding face was the only thing I had dreamt of for a really long time. It was the only thing that kept me awake at night, and the only thing that had me daydreaming during the day. The feeling of betrayal was one of the things that actually held me back and it felt as though there were chains squeezing onto my heart. It hurt; it really did. That was how my nights usually were. Days? Oh boy. I didn't even know what the word "day" meant and that was because I couldn't see the light no matter how bright the sun was. Even when the sun was at its highest, I couldn't feel its warmth either. No light, no warmth. I felt cold the whole time and was extremely sure that Namjoon and Taehyung did too.

Even though I knew nothing of what Taehyung felt or thought, I couldn't help but imagine how he must've felt when he left Jimin just like that. If that was how I felt for getting taken away from him, then I didn't know how to explain what Taehyung probably felt. He probably wanted to pull his eyes out from their sockets and his heart from his chest just so he could stay numb forever and not take a single look at the world. Also, whatever was the hidden truth behind Namjoon, I was pretty sure it wasn't something pretty either. Namjoon, to me, was always a confident leader who looked proud and happy the whole time, even when we knew he was suffering. However, at that moment, his head wasn't raised most of the time and the light in his eyes was lost. That light that held hope and all his dreams was gone, and it did a lot of things to me. That was because I knew deeply what the disappearance of that light meant, and I refused to believe it.

However, ever since Jimin made his appearance, it felt like the sun was suddenly shining brighter. It felt as though my lungs were capable of functioning properly again, making breathing a lot easier than it used to be. The coldness that I felt during both, the day and night, got replaced by the warmth which had sprouted from the depth of my heart. The world seemed to be giving us a new chance, and it showed me how it felt to be thankful towards everything.

The moment my eyes registered his features, my whole world was being recreated. In that recreated world stood all my dreams and hopes, and I decided to fight. Not only to keep Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin safe, but to find all the other members as well, and they had to be alive.

"Where are you taking me?" Jimin asked me as I pulled him along. I felt too excited to show him that I had found Taehyung and Namjoon, but at the same time I had to stay alert and not forget that he had fractured ribs.

Earth Mode ON// ARMY FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now