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•• Taylor ••

Drinking freshly brewed coffee is the perfect way to start the day, at least that's what I think.

A few days had passed and it's currently Friday, the best day of the week and it's been six days since Harry and I hanged out and watched him perform his gig. And yes, for some reason I still think about it and replay the scenes inside my head for some apparent reason.

I took a sip from the mildly hot coffee, the bittersweet taste coating my taste buds and going down my throat. I placed the white porcelain cup on the small saucer and rested it on the marbled countertop. I checked the time and it's already seven thirty.

You may be asking why I'm here sipping a cup of fine coffee early in the morning on a Friday with my pajamas on and still not getting ready for work. Because normally at around seven thirty or so I'd leave the house and get a taxi to arrive at work.

Well apparently, Lindsey called me last night and told me that we wouldn't be opening the shop because she was going to fly out of New York to visit her sister. And she also told me that I have a day off today, which I find quite adequate.

I sipped the remainings of my brown coffee and placed the cup and saucer on the sink, for me to wash later on. I sat back on the white plush stool, my back reclining against the stool as I waited for Selena to come down from her room. Selena had the day off last Monday, like she told me, and now she woke up later than usual and she's already in a rush.

As I waited for Selena, I felt and saw my phone vibrate across the marble kitchen island, my familiar ring tone chimed in the kitchen and I took a look at my ringing phone and saw the caller ID, and I was expecting mom to call me because she's usually up early in the morning, but yet again I was proven to be wrong.

It was him.

I grabbed my phone across the island before the ring tone could end, I swiped my finger up to accept his call and pressed my phone on my left ear, feeling the cool surface of my screen pressed against my ear.


'Yes it's me, Taylor. And good morning.' He greeted, his resonant voice greeted me, along with his British accent.

"Good morning to you too, Harry. And you called early in the morning, can I ask why?"

'Well, I'm already in the streets and I saw the flower shop closed. You're not coming to work today?'

"Unfortunately, not today. The shop will be closed and it'll probably be open on Monday again." I replied and I heard a bit of indistinct chatters and a few cars passing by, I can see it evidently inside my head.

'Oh is that so? Why? Are you sick today? Are you not feeling well?' He rambled on with his questions, and I'm not entirely sure what kind of emotion was in his voice, but if I'm not mistaken, I think he was concerned.

"I'm perfectly fine, Harry. Lindsey just told me that we wouldn't be opening the shop because she was going to visit her sister. I'm impeccably well." I reasoned and I could've swore that I heard him let out a sigh of relief.

'I'm glad you're fine. But do you have any plans for today? Considering that you already have the day off.'

I thought for a moment if I have plans for my day off today, but now thinking about it, I honestly don't have plans at all.

"No, I don't. I guess I'm free for today." I replied.

'And, um, Taylor, would you mind if you do me a favor?' Harry asked with his voice faltering a bit.

"No, not at all. What is it?"

'So, um, I also took the day off from the cafe, but I'm not sick or anything, I took the day off because my friend asked me to watch over his bookshop. The bookshop where I gave you your first Harry Potter book, remember? And, um, my favor is, since you have the day off, would you mind accompanying me here? It's quite lonely and I'm the only one around.' He asked.

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