Chapter ten: Fitting in

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The feast was fantastic! 

Harry had eaten pretty much one of everything, except for the strange mint humbugs that sat untouched on the table. He spoke with his friends about subjects and about anything else that crossed their minds. 

Everything but Colin's family. Harry could almost feel their stares as he ate. He might've looked at them too, if he hadn't been too busy laughing at Blaise, who sneezed out his potatoes. 

"Eww!" Theo and Pansy had squealed as they laughed with all the others. 

Also, at the feast, Harry had become acquainted with the ghost of Slytherin Tower, the Bloody Baron, who was sat further down the table with some of the older years. He gave Harry the impression, with his hollow eyes and silver blood that stained on his clothes, he wasn't a ghost to be messed with. 

Eventually the feast was over and all that was left to do in the hall was to sing the Hogwarts song. Harry sang very quietly like many of the other Slytherins, including Blaise, Draco and Pansy. Theo just mouthed the words in silent rebellion. 

"Good idea!" Harry thought to himself, and he began to silently mouth the song until most others were finished.

 Eventually there were only two boys singing at a very slow pace. Both boys had red hair and looked identical. 

Harry found himself smiling at them, holding in a laugh at their nerve. The boys caught his gaze after they finished and returned his smile, they even bowed dramatically at him with a laugh as the hall began to clap loudly. 

Harry decided to make a conscious effort to talk to them at some point. 

Dumbledore then dismissed them. 

Harry and the rest of the first year Slytherins followed the two Slytherin prefects to their common room, which turned out to be in the dungeons and under the lake. 

As Harry stepped into the common room, the first thing he noticed was how green the whole place is and how old fashioned the interior was, he reasoned that was how Slytherin had wanted it to look, and he wouldn't be disappointed. The room definitely had a noble feel to it. 

The girl prefect led the girls to their dorms, while the boy led the boys. 

Harry was a little disheartened to wave goodnight to Pansy, but was glad that he, Draco, Theo, and Blaise would be sharing a room.

"This bed is mine!" Harry called, running and jumping onto a bed in a corner close to a window that showed the green water. 

"I'm next to Harry!" yelled Draco, grabbing the bed next to Harry's. 

Theo took the bed on the other side of the room, directly in front of Draco's, Blaise took the one next to Theo's and opposite Harry's. 

The boys, too tired to do anything else, pulled their trunks to their beds, changed into their pajamas, closed their bed curtains, and fell asleep without another word. 

But, for some reason, Harry's mind took him back to a moment at the feast when he'd been looking at all the teachers. His gaze passed over a man in a weird turban and then-

"Ouch!" he had said holding the scar on his forehead. 

"What's the matter?" Blaise had asked him. 

"Nothing, never mind," the pain had gone as quickly as it had come. 

The pain had felt like a nasty burn, similar to one you'd get after touching an ironing machine. But he was sure he hadn't done anything to cause it. 

Harry had had that lightening bolt scar for as long as he could remember. But he had baby pictures that he had taken with him the day he left Colin's family which showed him without a scar until Colin had his scar too. Harry had always guessed that he'd gotten the scar after the ceiling fell on That Night. But do scars just randomly hurt? 

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