Fight (11th Doctor)

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Okay not gonna lie. This was supposed to be extremely angsty but it just turned into like... a normal amount of angst and I'm upset with that. But it's not the worst so eh. This is for the lovely emilythezeldafan ;) enjoy darling!

Also! If you have not yet, please check out mine and @godtheattackeyebrows book! It's on my page and called "Only in the Darkness". This is the only time I will advertise it on this book 😂👌 anywho enjoy darlings!


You've never been afraid of the child-like Time Lord. Around him you had never felt that itch to run away. You never felt like he was a threat. You never felt the strong constriction around your heart to immobilize you in fear. You were never anxious around him. You were always happy and bouncy like he was. You loved him with all of your being and made sure that he knew it every second.

Today however you were completely frightened. One tiny mistake was all it took for the Doctor to be infuriated. At first you thought he was upset with that creature - what were they called again? The Tallishen? - but once you got the glare from the Oncoming Storm, you knew instantly that you had Fucked Up™. You don't think you've ever fucked up so badly. You hadn't meant to hurt anyone - let alone kill.

The Doctor was silent as the two of you walked into the TARDIS. The air around you was thick with tension and anger, making you swallow a worried and scared lump in your throat. Your hands were shaking and all you wanted to do was run to your room. You recognized the look in his eyes. The anger, the fury of the Last Time Lord. The steely gaze of the Destroyer of Worlds, as the Daleks called him.

He walked up to the console and sent the two of you into the vortex as quick as he could. Once the TARDIS was drifting, he laid his hands on the console while staring at the rotor, taking a few deep breaths. You suddenly felt a bunch of anxiety rack through your body as you realized that he was trying to calm himself before speaking to you. You still stood by the TARDIS doors, your arms wrapped around yourself in a futile attempt to calm your anxiety. You wanted nothing more than to be swallowed by a hole right now. Hell, the Doctor might even toss you into a black hole with the gaze he has.

"Why," the Doctor stuttered for a second before clearing his throat while still looking at the console, "Why did you do it?" What was that? That emotion in his voice. Was it anger? Sadness? Rage? Disappointment?

"I-I... they took form of a little girl, Doctor..." You swallowed your nerves down so you could continue, "I didn't know it was what we were saving the town from. I just saw a poor little girl who was lost and hurt."

"Yes, but what did I tell you before we got off the TARDIS? 'Don't wander off, everything could be a trick'! But do you ever listen?" You open your mouth but he interrupts you immediately as he turns around, "No! You never listen! Sometimes I wonder if the universe would be better off if I would've left you on Earth. You just mess everything up. You're a huge disappointment and I wish I had never met you."

You stood there, mouth agape as the hurtful words sink in. Tears rimmed your (e/c) eyes as the words repeated over and over in your head along with the screams of everyone the creature - no. Everyone that you killed by saving that one little girl. You felt just as worthless as the Doctor probably thought you were. You dare not to look up at the Doctor, instead keeping your gaze down to the floor as you spoke the words you never thought you'd utter: "Take me home."

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