CH.61 Confession of a lover

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Chapter 61

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Xavier asked as he looked down at Mavi sitting beside him. Her eyes were lost in the wind as her hands flipped through a magazine. When she didn't answer, Xavier reached out and poked her shoulder.


"Yes?" Mavi's eyes snapped up to her father.

"I asked if you were all right," Xavier put down the book he was reading and focused on his daughter. "You've been very quiet."

"I....I'm just a little distracted."

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah....everything is fine."

"Where's Owen?"

Mavi's heart contracted, " a good question."

Xavier started to catch on, "Oh boy.....what happened?"

Mavi began to chew on the inside of her cheeks as she focused on the flowers on the rug. All day she felt as if she was underwater. The voices around her sounded muffled, the air was too thick....she was drowning.

"Mavi?" Xavier grew concerned. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

"No," Mavi shook her head. "I think....I think I hurt him."

"What do you mean?"

"He asked me a question today," Mavi took a deep breath. "A very simple question.....the answer was just as least it should have been.....but....."

"You gave the wrong answer?"

Mavi shook her head, "No.... I didn't answer."

"Why not?"

"I.....I don't know," Mavi confessed. "Maybe because I am unsure of what the answer is."

Xavier nodded quietly. He took mavi's hand and placed it on his lap. Mavi leaned across the couch and placed her head over her hand on her father's lap. She stared at the fireplace as Xavier smoothed her hair.

"May I give you some advice?" Xavier asked after a while.

"Yes, please."

"I once screwed up with your mother.....big time," Xavier said. "It was completely my fault. I tried to protect her by shielding things from hiding's a miracle she didn't walk out on me..... "

"Mom loves you too much," Mavi said.

Xavier laughed, "I thank god for that everyday. But what I am trying to say make any relationship work, you need to have an open line of communication. Never assume the person in front of you knows what you are thinking or feeling.....even if it may seem like a pointless topic of conversation, you should still talk about it. Tell Owen how you are feeling....let him know if you're scared or confused or hurt."

"But he always shuts down...." Mavi sat back up and looked at her father. "He never wants to share anything."

"My dear, that is how he was trained," Xavier pointed out. "Keep in mind he was a king's guard way before he was your Beta or your mate. As a king's guard he was trained from the age of 13 to be seen and not's been ingrained in him to keep his thoughts to himself. His training is not something he will forget will take time."

Mavi listened to her father's words as her head hung low. Xavier placed his hands under her chin and picked her head up.

"Show him....teach him to share his thoughts," Xavier said looking into Mavi's eyes. "Your bond is a partnership. You give and you take. It's a dance that can only be perfected if both are trying."

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