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Faye’s POV

A nurse walked in the room as if she owns it. She had a tray in her hands with syringe and a bottle of clear liquid. Her aura screamed arrogance but I can’t exactly see her face as it was covered with face mask.

“What is that?” I asked as I warily looked at the container.

“Medicine. It’s not like you know something about those so better shut up.” She retorted.

This nurse has a damn stick stuck up her ass. She moved closer to the IV tube with the syringe filled with the medicine.

“No. You’re not putting anything in my system without me knowing what it is.” I tugged the tube closer to me. She rolled her eyes.

“Can you please stop being a whiny bitch? I just need to put insert this in the tube. So will you shut the fuck up and let me put it?” She wagged the syringe in front of my face.

“No.” I stood my ground and I saw her clench her fist.

“Okay then.” She shrugged and walked out. I sighed but my breath hitched when she turned on her heel and dash in my direction. Before I can comprehend what’s happening she stabbed the syringe in my neck. I trashed around but she pressed me on the bed trying to stop my movement.

“Night night, Tiny Bitch.” She harshly whispered in my ear as I felt sleepy. After a few more minutes I was completely knocked out.

I groaned as I tried moving my limbs. Shit. I cussed. As I felt my whole body ache. I adjusted my eyes as I scanned the room. The more that I look around, the more that I realize that this place is not a room instead a dungeon.

With rough dirty walls and chains all over the place and the walls I glanced at my feet and saw it shackled. “Fuck” I tried pulling the chain off my feet but it was futile.

“I hope our accommodation is of your liking, Ms. Johnson.” A man’s voice echoed to the room. I looked at my captor.

“Mr. Porter.” I watched the man walk around the dungeon.

“Aha! Finally a chair.” He cheered and settled himself in front of me with a chair whereas I sat on cold damp floor. Your accommodation is shit. I bit back a retort that made its way out of my throat.

“Sorry that we called you here all of a sudden. My daughter is quite impatient you see.” He smiled. Fake. Just like his daughter.

“Oh! Fayette!” She enthusiastically greeted.

“How are you liking it here so far? I'm sure you like it! This totally suits you” She wagged her eyebrows while looking at the room.

“Actually. This room reminds me of you.” I looked around and stared at her eyes.
“Dirty.” I felt a slap in my cheek. Damn Bastard.

“Aww! Father! Please don’t hurt our guest!” She pouted while looking at me with pity.

“Please don’t get angry at my dad okay Fayette? If you do… he might hit you more.” She looked at me her eyes widening to extract my fear.

“What do you want from me Pasha?” I seriously asked. 

“Well, we could start from a few millions then… your death! Yes, yes. I do want your death” She laughed wickedly.

“If I could wipe your existence off the earth then, I can have Damon and Caleb with no pests like you hanging around.” I screamed as she stepped on my ankle.

“Fuck you, Pasha. You will never get what you want.” I breathed out.

“We’ll see, Fayette. We’ll see. But I assure you. You’re not going out here alive.” She snapped.

“While you’re here, of course we have to entertain you right? I'm sure being alone here is very boring. Why don’t you partake in my session of fun Fayette?”

She asked with a wicked smile with evil dancing around her eyes. Shit… This is not a good Idea.

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