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On Christmas night, all four of us sat at the Gryffindor table since Hermione told us the potion is ready.

"Everything's set. We just need a bit of who you're changing into."

"Crabbe and Goyle."

"what about you, Elora?"

"what do you mean?"

"who are you going to change into?"

"I don't need to change. I'm a Slytherin myself"

"you're right... So you don't have to change"

"We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy."


"I've got it all worked out. I filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught. Simple, but powerful. Now, once they're asleep hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs, and put on their uniforms."

"Whose hair are you ripping out then?"

"I've already got mine. Millicent Bulstrode- Slytherin- I got this off her robes. I'm going to go check on the Polyjuice Potion. Make sure that Crabbe and Goyle find these."

"but Hermione... You have to make sure that's her real hair. She has a cat and she always play with it so that's maybe her cat's hair"

"don't worry... I'm sure this is her hair"

"but, Mione... It looks shorter that Millicent's hair..."

"I'm positive this is her hair, Elora. Don't worry"

I sigh in defeat "fine.."


I lean against the wall of the girls laboratory while waiting for the boys to get the hairs from Crabbe and Goyle. I look at the bubbles in the Polyjuice Potion and grimaced.

"ughh.... That must taste very bad"

"yeah... It looks really bad too"

"and you need to add their hairs in there... It's disgusting"

"thank you for the kind words, Elora" Ron said, walking in with Harry.

"anytime" I smirked at him.

Hermione pour the potions into their glasses and hand it to Harry and Ron.

"We'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves... Add the hairs." they put the hairs into the glass and I almost throw up at the sught of it.

"Ugh- essence of Crabbe."

"Cheers!" they clink their glasses and gulp it down their throat.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Ron dropped his glass and run into one of the cabins.

"Me too." Hermione followed.

"Ughh!" Harry dropped his glass and watch as his face changed to Goyle. I watch as bubbles formed on his hand and his body becomes twice as bigger.

"uh... Harry?" Ron disguised himself as Crabbe, walked ouy of the cabin. I stared with my jaw dropped.


"bloody hell!"

"we still sound like ourselves. You need to sound more like Crabbe."

"uh... Bloody hell." Ron said with much deeper voice like Crabbe.


"but where's Hermione?" I asked, looking at the cabin.

"I- I don't think I'm going. You go on without me!" Hermione still doesn't get out of the cabin making me worry.

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