Getting Ready To Go Out-AFI

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Hi :)


"You ready bub?", your boyfriend of 8 months, Ashton calls out for you, since you've entered the bathroom quite a while ago. You nod, but then realize that he cant see that. "Yeah, Im just brushing my hair Ash", you call back. You hear him sigh behind the door. "What's wrong bubba?", you ask worried. He sighs again. "I want cuddles Y/N", he answers your question after a short silence. "Then open the door, its not locked you dumbass"

As soon as those words leave your lips, the door creaks open, and he wraps his arms around your waist. "You look beautiful babygirl", he whispers, in the crook of your neck. You start blushing, both at the compliment and the nickname. "I love how you still get shy when I call you that. Scrap that, I love you", he giggles, his face still buried in your neck.

A rather long period of silence passes. "Can I brush your hair please?", he asks, taking you by surprise. "Uh, alright then?", you reply, not sounding as confident as you'd like. He smirks, and you hand him the hairbrush. He softly brushes your hair, gently pushing it to the side and back in place. Sometimes he'd stop, en press light kisses in your hair. "You smell really good", he smiles. "I kind of stole your soap this morning, mine was empty", you said, turning red from embarassment. "Oh well, then I like my own smell", he giggles.

"I think you're ready", he says, after another 5 minutes of him brushing your hair. "Let's go then", you smile. He grabs your hand, and you quickly put on a jacket, before you both left to get wasted.



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