16 hours

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I chuckled and turned to face him.

"Isaac...you're always confused." I said and he chuckled...  


"Okay...I won't argue with that, because I know it's true. But seriously tho...why?" Isaac said and we laughed quietly again, but then Deaton turned to face me again.

"What did Peter and Derek tell you about you being the controlled werewolf?" Deaton asked me.

"This thing exists?" Isaac asked chuckling , but then yet again confusedly.

"Told you. You're always confused." I said to him and smiled.

"I know, but hold on...for real?" Isaac asked again and turned to Deaton.

Deaton sighed and turned to face me.

"Yes. It is real. I thought that this is some old myth too, until Y/N came. I mean...Scott told me about her. They came here with Stiles and Scott told me that Y/N doesn't seem like she's just a human. That Y/N has some other scent. Like some other weird scent that he hasn't smelled before. Then Scott described to me everything about her with Stiles and the same night I tried to read about the myth again. The other night when I helped Melissa, I saw Y/N for the first time.  *Turned to me*  Y/N...Your eyes were bright green, just for a second when Scott glowed his eyes at you *Turned to look at the table for a second*. Then I've realized that Y/N has a great ability to control herself from getting her anger in control. Even for a human. And when she's angry she could actually kill someone with just her human kind of strength." Deaton explained to all three of us. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Well...that doesn't sound creepy at all." I said and laughed nervously. 

I literally could have almost transformed in front of my friends.

"You two are scaring me. *Pointed at me and Deaton* Y/N tell me all about it, because it would be cool to know." Isaac said and looked at me kind of nervously. 

I looked at Deaton and Lydia, they nodded, I sighed and faced Isaac.

Then I decided it's better if I just tell them. They'll find out soon enough. Well...Isaac would, since Lydia and Deaton already know about all that.

Isaac nodded to to start talking and then I explained to him everything that Derek and Peter told me.

When I was done Isaac looked at me with a very terrified face. I gulped...maybe he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. I just came here...I don't want to lose my friends already. I wouldn't be able to handle this. 

I shouldn't overthink anything right now.

"I-That's a lot to take in. That also sounds like we're in some trouble. If you get mad. Wait...how come you never attacked Stiles? Oh, and Y/N...It would be very good, if you didn't tear me apart one day. Nothing more." Isaac explained and looked at me kind of nervously.

"I don't know how I didn't attack him. Probably because even tho we were fighting over something stupid thing...I still care about him. And when we stopped fighting and I hugged him...it felt safe you know. I was happy we stopped that stupid fighting thing. And Isaac I promise I won't hurt you. Never." I explained to him smiling.

"That sounds amazing." Isaac said smiling at me and then Deaton looked worriedly at me. 

I raised one of my eyebrows and we all turned to him.

"What's wrong, doc?" I asked him, now being worried too.

"Y/N you do remember that we have about 10 hours, before the full moon, right?" He asked me worriedly.

"I-Yeah...I'm scared to know what might happen then. I don't know why. It doesn't sound good." I said nervously, then Lydia sighed and turned to me with a little smile.

"You are probably very powerful. I mean like...very very powerful. You haven't felt the full moon for years, which means you have never transformed. You need an anchor and you need it quickly. Otherwise sweetheart...we have to lock you up." Lydia explained sadly and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure that some chains could actually stop Y/N? I mean...think about it. If she's gonna be very powerful I have a feeling that she might actually break the chains within minutes." Isaac explained nervously.

"Isaac's right. We might have a little problem with that. We need to keep her calm. For as much as we possibly can. It's the lunar eclipse, but she won't be powerless like you. *Looked at Isaac* She might be even more powerful." Deaton explained.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I said sarcastically, even tho I didn't want to be sarcastic at the time like this.

"It's for your own good, Y/N. And also for our safety." Deaton said sadly and I nodded and looked down.

"Yeah, I know. I'll try my best. Besides, pain makes you human. I'll try to keep it together tho. But if I can't then I suggest all of you to stay away from me. I don't want to hurt any of you." I said quietly and they nodded quietly.

After that all of us just talked, made each other laugh a lot and then I took a little nap. 

I was just so tired.

When I woke up from my incredibly good nap I went to the front door. My backpack was there and I took out my water bottle. 

Then went back to the others and sat again down next to Lydia.

Then I turned to look at the three of them and then again I looked at Deaton.

"How long exactly has it been?" I asked him and then stood up to look at my three friends, who were still under the cold-ass water.

"In a minute they've been under the water for 16 hours. They actually should be out. Well...a long time ago." Deaton said.

I watched him with wide eyes, gulped and then put my water bottle back down. 

Then quickly walked back to the operating room.

It was very quiet in the room now. It felt weird. 

Then we all saw that Scott and Allison were coming out of the cold water and they both were breathing heavily.

Then I saw that Stiles was still under the water...

"W-Why isn't Stiles getting out?" I asked and started panicking and then all of us surrendered Stiles' bathtub.

"Lydia. Call his name." Deaton said nervously. I could hear his heart beating rapidly. 

Then Lydia nodded quickly.

Lydia then screamed his name loudly. Nothing, not a single thing happened. He didn't come out of it.

Right after that we all screamed his name as loudly as we could.

He suddenly woke up from all this and opened his eyes and quickly stood up in the bathtub. 

We all sighed in relief and calmed down.

Then me, Isaac, Lydia and Deaton stepped back and let them talk. 

Meanwhile they stepped out of the water and looked at each other. Stiles sighed again.

Beacon Hills changed me (stilesxreader)Where stories live. Discover now