"extra syrup please"

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"Thanks for the ride sir." I nodded at my taxi driver and slammed the car door shut. He pulled out of my driveway and I watched as the yellow vehicle disappeared down the street.

I smiled and breathed in the smell of flowers. My mom was big on gardening and this year had stuffed our yard full of daisy's, sunflowers, baby's breath and anything else the soil store would give her.

"Ella's home!" I heard my dad call as he made his way out the front door and towards me. "El-bean, how was Florida?" He patted me on the back and picked up my suitcase.

"Really hot. It literally made me miss Minnesota winters." I laughed and we walked inside together.

Before I even got a foot in the door my mom had pulled me into a hug. "It's great to have you home sweetie! Even Joey said he missed you."

"I didn't say that!" A holler came from down the hall and I looked up to see Joey standing next to the couch.

I walked over and ruffled his hair. "How was space camp, you dork?"

This made his eyes light up. "Super cool! I got to see a real live space ship and learn how to run the control panel at NASA!"

"That's great Joey. You can tell me more at dinner. I've got lots of unpacking to do." I smiled at him and picked up my suitcase from the floor, carrying it up to my room.

On my bed sat a stack of notebooks, pencils, pens, folders and anything else I could possibly need for my sophomore year. "Thanks mom!" I yelled downstairs and chuckled. I guess that was one less thing I had to do.

I unzipped the purple suitcase and began pulling things out. I looked up at the sound of a car door slamming. It had come from the Bank's driveway.

I grinned and raced down the stairs. My parents looked at me strangely and I called out "Adam's home!" before going outside.

"Cake-eater!" I smiled from my front porch and Adam's head snapped up. His mouth dropped open and he set down the stuff that was in his hand. He stood in his driveway and I ran over, pulling him into a hug.

"I missed you." He said into my neck as we embraced. 

I pulled away and smiled at my boyfriend. He picked up the stuff he had been holding and tucked his keys inside of his pocket. 

Suddenly my face lit-up. "You passed your drivers test!"

He laughed and nodded at my sudden realization. "Yup. No more skating to school for you and me."

"That... is the best news I've ever heard." I followed him to his front door and pulled it open for him. We walked into the kitchen where his Mom and little sister were playing a card game at the table. 

"Oh Ella, what a wonderful surprise!" His mom smiled at me and got up to give me a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Banks. Hi Sophie." 

The smaller girl waved at me from the table but didn't say anything. Adam had told me she was really shy and I couldn't remember a time I had heard more then two words come out of her mouth in a day.

"We're headed upstairs mom." Adam called as he disappeared down the hallway.

"Alright but no funny business!" She teased and shot me a wink. I laughed and followed Adam to his bedroom.

I walked over to his bed and flopped onto it. It had been months since I had last been in his room and he had made quite a few changes over the summer.

I looked at his walls, which used to be covered in posters, but were now almost bare. His bed spread was new as well, dark blue instead of red. Still the same though, was the huge pile of dirty clothes, shoved in a corner and a large amount of water bottles and wrappers in his overflowing trash can. 

"Do you ever clean this place?" I asked as he took a seat in his desk chair.

"I was waiting until you got home actually." He scooted the chair closer to me and smiled.

I shook my head and sighed. "Figures. I probably will end up cleaning it since I spend more time in your room than my own." 

"Oh before I forget to tell you!" Adam sat up straighter. "Tomorrow all of the Ducks are meeting at Mickey's for a 'back to school brunch'." He finger quoted the last part and laughed. "I will be by to pick you up at 10."

I grinned. "That's so exciting! I can't wait to see everyone again!"

Adam nodded and leaned back in his chair closing his eyes. I sighed and stood up, walking over to his pile of laundry. 

"Judging by the size of this pile, this is going to take all day. Get your butt over here and help me, Cake-Eater."

Adam groaned and got up. "Alright, alright. But I wasn't kidding when I said I waited until you got home."



The bell above the door of Mickey's jingled as I walked into the diner. It was a warm Sunday afternoon and only one day before the start of sophomore year.

I walked towards the back, where our usual table was and spotted the team spread out between three booths. Adam followed close behind, mumbling about his no-good, piece of junk car that had broken down and made us late to meet our friends. 


A smile spread across my face as Connie jumped up and bolted towards me. I caught her in a hug and laughed. "Hi Connie, it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too!" She answered, pulling me into the booth. "You have no idea what it was like being the only girl here, all summer!"

I laughed, remembering that Julie had gone back to Maine over the three months, leaving Connie with all guys.

"The gangs all back together again." I turned and saw Julie, smiling at me. I leaned over and hugged her.

After a few more minutes of catching up and reunions, Casey Conway stopped by the booths. "Adam, Ella, welcome back to Mickey's. What can I get you two?"

I hadn't even gotten the chance to look at the menu, but I figured I'd go with my usual order. "Some pancakes, extra syrup please." 

She nodded and scribbled down my order, even though I knew she would remember it anyways. Adam ordered something similar and focused back on the group's discussion. Right now Averman and Goldberg were debating on which one of them had had the lamest summer.

"All I'm saying is that you should try spending two months at a pig farm." Averman crossed his arms, daring Goldberg to beat that.

"My uncle is pretty close to a pig. You should see the guy." Goldberg shuddered and I shook my head at the two's bickering. Some things never change.

"Hey did you guys hear about our new teammates?" Charlie said loudly, making me sit up and listen.

"New teammates?" Guy shook his head. "No."

"Yeah well Bombay has been talking with Orion and said that we're getting some new players for JV this year."

"Any girls?" Julie asked, and I nodded, wondering the same.

"Yeah actually. Not sure how many though."

I high fived Connie and Julie, who looked excited.

"Hey man, as long as they're good looking." Luis wiggled his eyebrows and I elbowed him playfully.

"Amen to that." Dean smiled.

"Do you know anything else Charlie?" Dwayne asked with his thick southern accent.

"One more thing I heard. Only one player is from the school but the rest are all new to Eden Hall."

"Well I guess we'll meet 'em all tomorrow." Russ shrugged and sat back, sipping a milkshake. He, among a few others, didn't look thrilled about the new additions.

I just hoped we would all get along.


lowkey i'm super excited about this book😳

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