Chapter 16

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Beth locked herself in the bathroom with the staff, assuring Bernard that she was fine in there alone.

The screams of the battlefield were more muffled from behind the bathroom door anyways.

She ran her fingers over the smooth, shining wood again and again, memorizing the twists of it and trying to block out the sounds and the fears they brought.

Whatever happened, they were all safe as long as her parents didn't try to get in. They weren't vampires after all.

She paled at the thought, shuddered, and re-focused on the staff.





When the screams finally died away, Beth emerged from the bathroom.

Someone had cleaned up after the body and the broken glass doors.

However she could not see Bernard or Taehyung in the red morning sunlight that was streaming through the remaining scraps of her balcony doors.

Clutching the staff close to her she walked to the doorway, careful not to cross it, and looked out over the field.

There was blood and ash, but no bodies remained.

As she backed away, telling herself it was to soon to panic, sharp creak sounded behind her.

The instant she spun around she was caught in strong, familiar arms, and Taehyung buried his face against her shoulder.

"I'm back Jagi." he murmured.

Beth pushed him back...

Only to drop the staff on the bed next to her so she could hug him properly.

A shuddering sigh escaped her as he hugged her tightly.

He was safe.

The relief lasted for a few moments more before Taehyung pulled back, hands resting on her shoulders.

"You're alright?" His gaze scanned her from head to toe, taking in every inch, trying to assure himself that she was unharmed.

"Just... shaken. What were those things last night?"

Taehyung's face was grim.

"They were vampires. Somehow Gwen released them from the staff's binding. They died in front of us before the sun could rise, but they killed eight of Jimin's elite clan heads last night."

"Twelve survived? Including Jimin? But... if they were the elite after Jimin, then..." Beth trailed off. 

"Yes?" Taehyung frowned slightly, obviously concerned.

"The body thrown through the window last night didn't disintegrate..." she whispered. "It just aged. If he was elite... then what happened to the older, stronger vampires?"

Taehyung sighed.

"Gwen's been killing them off. She herself is centuries older than any other vampire left. Jimin's father was the only one who would have stood a chance in a fair fight, and like I said, he was killed years ago."

Beth found herself trembling, and tried to force it down, but Taehyung pulled her close again.

"Please don't try to hide from me Beth. We're mates. Remember what we talked about yesterday? While we made dinner together?"

Beth remembered. She also remembered how simple and relaxing it had been. Despite the odd topics they'd come to, it had felt normal. Just two people getting to know each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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