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Daniela's pov

Alex and Elena's dad has coming today with his new girlfriend. I'm a little nervous to meet her, but also worked up because of his situation with Elena. Although they are fine, Lydia and I are still upset. Last time I met him we had a pretty good bond. I went with Alex to a pizza place to meet his papi, but I didn't know that he was going behind everyone's back.

Alex was laying down in the couch obviously bored.
P-Alex, your papi will be here any minute. So, get off your butt and put the ugly pillow in the closet." Al-Why are we cleaning for Papi anyway?" D-Like it's previously been mentioned. We aren't cleaning for your papi, we are cleaning for his new girlfriend so she doesn't think you guys live like súcios." P-I've taught you well."

He went to put the pillow in the closet.

E-I cleaned under the sink so Papi's new girlfriend will be impressed if she decides to steal a tampon." D-Well then so will I." Elena chuckled and nudged me.

L-Elena, what's the deal with your Papi?" D-Yeah how are you and him?" L- We are here for you mija. We can go from 0 to flipping this table. Así." E-I-I'm a little nervous to see him. I mean, he says he's sober. He's says he's okay with me being gay, but keep one of your hands under the table just in case." I went to Penelope.

D-So, Lupe. What's the deal with this new novia? Is Abuelita pulling her hair, am I spitting in her café?"

She laughed. P-No, it's fine. I'm happy for him. I mean, she's probably blonde, thin, and really excited to graduate college." They knocked on the door. Alex quickly threw the pillow in the closet and we all stood straight.

P-Alright, everyone let's be nice to the Instagram model we will probably never see again." Victor came in and hugged them all. Alex and Elena first. When he moved from them Alex came to me and saw I was nervous so he held my hand.

Vic-Lookin good, Lupe." P-Thank you." Vic-So is the place." He hugged Lydia. Vic-Daniela, hi how are you?" D-I'm good." Vic-Where's Vanessa?" D-Upstairs with Schneider. They'll be down shortly."

P-So where's baby, I mean blondie, I mean your girlfriend."

Then a clone of Penelope walked in. I was so confused. N-Hey." Lupe turned around and they looked at each other weirdly. Al-Dang, Papi got a type!" N-You must be Penelope, I'm Nicole.

L-Is that a ring?" Vic- We were hoping we good get in some talking time, but Nicole is my fiancé." We all gasped and said congrats.

Nicole day down next to Victor on the couch. I was standing next to Alex who was on the arm rest. Penelope un a chair nearby with Elena in the couch as well. Lydia sitting in the other chair nearby.

P-Alex, you are more handsome in person than your pictures." I chuckled and he smiled. Al-Welcome to the family." He went to the kitchen to get water. P-Daniela, you are a very pretty girl and Victor told me how protective you are of this family. I admire that." D-Thank you, Nicole." P-Elena, just so I know, what're your preferred pronouns?" E-Ooooo. I like her. My preferred pronouns are she and her. My Syd-nificant other Syd's, pronouns are they and them."

Vic-She, they, then, how do we keep people straight?" We all looked at him. Vic-What? No...no th-thats not how-" Penelope and Nicole said at the same time, "Okaayyyy."

Penelope said something and laughed her iconic sexy laugh. Then Nicole responded with the same laugh. Holy shit this is creepy.

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