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O R A N G E   S P A R K

      I was off-duty but stayed in my ANBU uniform. I'd spent the morning training with Kakashi and Tenzo, before saving my afternoon to help Naruto get stronger for the upcoming trials for him to graduate from his class.

     As I lead Naruto through the streets, by standers muttered and gasped like they always did. However, Naruto didn't seem to take it to heart since he spent most of the walk talking to me about losing to Sasuke in the practice exams.

     "It's an Uchiha trait to excel in almost everything," I said. "But since Sasuke comes from the prestigious first branch, he'd be pushed to his limits."

     Naruto stretched his arms and placed them behind his head as he struggled to keep up with my long strides. "How did you and Itachi become friends, is he anything like Sasuke?"

     "If you didn't know them as brothers, you wouldn't put them together," I murmured. "Itachi is nothing like Sasuke, they're polar opposites of each other, that also goes for their power. Sasuke is everything Itachi isn't. But as for my friendship with Itachi, truth be known, it was Shisui that didn't like me to start off with." 

    "Shisui's the one you like, right?" Naruto poked his tongue out. 

     I smacked him on the arm, "Idiot!" 

     I stood on the Naka River. Its current flowed gently beneath my sandals as I tried to ignore both boys that stood on either side of me, glaring at each other. Neither of us had spoken since we were now Chunnin. I suppose our friendship had been rocky from the start since the Uchiha Trials, but the tension seemed to grow. 

      "Why couldn't we be a trio of just boys?"  Shisui expelled a long breath. 

      "Just be thankful that we're on a team,"  Itachi huffed and he squared his shoulders. "You were the one that said she had potential during the Trials." 

     Shisui jumped around and made an exaggerated facial expression and attempted to hide the blush across his cheeks, "T-t-that's not the point you dumb-arse!"

    Red flared in my cheeks as I hid my face behind the high collar of my shirt. I was short compared to Shisui and Itachi, I only came up to their foreheads, but even that short gap in height felt like they towered over me. I wasn't sure if the heat that flared in my cheeks was from embarrassment or anger since I failed the Uchiha Trials and lost.

      Shisui stuck out his bottom lip in frustration when I giggled softly. His black eyes flicked down to me and I felt like I had to sink down lower to avoid the scrutiny. The scroll shook in my hands as Shisui continued to stare, "Who said you were in charge?"

     When Shisui reached to pry the scroll from my hands, Itachi grabbed his wrist and both boys pressed their foreheads against each other. Sparks flew off from the Leaf insignia and they raised their fists. Apparently they both wanted to lead the mission. 

      I put the scroll under my arm and bit down hard to stop myself from shouting at both of themthat wouldn't have been a good first impression. I grabbed them by their high collars and pulled them away from each other towards opposite banks of the river.

    I cracked my knuckles and pointed at Shisui who sweat dropped and looked around frantically, trying to avoid my fiery glare.

      "Dumb-arse," I jeered mockinly. "If you don't think we're equals, then by all means transfer to another squad! I bet you won't be questioning my authority when I'm your boss, Dattebayo!"

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